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Best way to Zero?


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Any tips on the beast way to zero? I need to set up my S410 tommorrow but worried about the wind. I can get indoors upto 10 yards, will that equate to a 30yd zero due to the flight of the pellet (.22) I will mainly be using my rifle for hunting so i'm figuring a 30yd zero would be around average.


Any advise appreciated,



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Im lucky enough to have lots of hedgerows on my permissions, what i do is take my pellet trap and a set of spinners, pace out to 30 or so yards and set them up.

Obviously using the hedgrow as a sort of wind-break.

I use the paper target to make any adjustments to my rig and then when i've got my groupings I knock down all the spinners just to be certain.

Thats just my habit. I've also made myself a big pellet trap that can take two A4 target cards complete with LED's so I can zero at night with little fuss and disturbance to the area :good:

So I guess my advice is to see if you have anything similar to shelter yourself from any strong winds, hope this helps mate :unsure:

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Get as low down to the ground as possible, the effect of the wind is far less at ground level.

Not ideal but it does help, unless you want to zero standing up ofcourse.


If you are zeroing then go the whole hog and set targets up at 10,15,20,25&30yds. This will give you a POI at all those distances so you know where your aim point will be at those distances when hunting. A little time consuming but well worth the effort.

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  • 1 month later...

Stick to zeroing at 30yards but dont even attempt it if thers one bit of wind. Then you can shoot at rangers like 10 15 20 25 35 40 45 and see where you go so you know how much to aim off. Also try different shooting positions to see where you go, as these can go higher,lower,left or right sometimes. Just so you know so you can aim off again

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One method i've used to zero pistols is clamping it in a workbench, firing it and then aiming the sights at the pellet hole. I zeroed it at 10 yards. When using it with a rifle, zeroed it at 10yards and then hit a 5p at 30 with ease


Might not work for you but it does take a while but its better than getting soaked or zeroing it badly

Edited by HeadShotHoncho
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One method i've used to zero pistols is clamping it in a workbench, firing it and then aiming the sights at the pellet hole. I zeroed it at 10 yards. When using it with a rifle, zeroed it at 10yards and then hit a 5p at 30 with ease


Might not work for you but it does take a while but its better than getting soaked or zeroing it badly



sorry headshot honcho


but dont do it this way, thats the worst way to zero a gun, if its a springer then recoil moves the gun, and a clamped gun isnt the same as when its being shot offhand

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I found that out with one of my guns but that was a b3-f. I now prefer to shoot it offhand with rifles but my match pistol (a Walther CPM-1) zeros great with it and it only takes 10 minutes to zero it well enough to hit a drawing pin.


I have found now that it don't work as well as offhand for rifles but i still use it for pistols, just my preference cos i don't shoot very far with pistol

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i have just started to use a laser boresighter. this helps to get me roughly in the right place then within 3-4 shots i can have the scope dead on. i ususaly just put a target up at a reasonalble distance but i might try measuring it how many meters is 30 yards?

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