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Midland not firing`


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I have a midland 12g O/U.


The first trigger fires the bottom barrel, and this works fine, however the back trigger (that fires the top barrel) doesn't seem to move far enough back somehow, and the gun very rarely fires the second barrel, I don't think the problem lies in the trigger as the firing pin clearly leaves a mark on the cartridge, just not striking it hard enough to fire it.


So what are the possible causes? Worn firing ping? Worn spring or mechanism?


Cheers, Sam :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have a midland 12g O/U.


The first trigger fires the bottom barrel, and this works fine, however the back trigger (that fires the top barrel) doesn't seem to move far enough back somehow, and the gun very rarely fires the second barrel, I don't think the problem lies in the trigger as the firing pin clearly leaves a mark on the cartridge, just not striking it hard enough to fire it.


So what are the possible causes? Worn firing ping? Worn spring or mechanism?


Cheers, Sam :good:


Sam, when the gun has been fired look at the firing pins to see if they protrude the same amount. Look for damage or flattening of the pin end. If all seems well it will be the mainspring. I had that with my AYA number 4 recently and a friend on here talked me through how to dismantle it to remove the pin and replace a new one. Now works like new. :lol:


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Sounds like the top pin is worn or chipped and needs replacing, but it could be a simple as just getting the action cleaned if its gummed up.


Usually the bottom pin gives trouble first - the hammer hits the bottom pin 1/2 way up, while it hits the top pin at the top of the striker, so you get a better strike on the top pin. Some guns have angled pins to help lower this effect, but a top pin causing trouble is less usual, so its almost certainly wear or maintenance that's required.


Gunsmith job unless you want to strip it yourself.



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Well, not hugely keen, broke the action of the last gun I stripped (free old spanish sbs).


If my old mate Sidney was willing to help though :innocent:


And I may be able to source him some loading kit for that .223 he's acquired :rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...

Me and Sid (well Sid really) took the gun appart yesterday, gave everything a thorough clean/de gunk, re assembled no better.


So had it appart again, and it would appear that the top pin is worn/bent, it looks to protrude the same amount as the bottom one, but isn't marking the centre of the cartidge, it is off to one side.


The pin comes up from an angle to the striking point, perhaps this has caused the pin to wear on one side over time?


Time to take it to the gunsmith? Or can the parts be got and done myself?


Cheers, Sam :hmm:

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Me and Sid (well Sid really) took the gun appart yesterday, gave everything a thorough clean/de gunk, re assembled no better.


So had it appart again, and it would appear that the top pin is worn/bent, it looks to protrude the same amount as the bottom one, but isn't marking the centre of the cartidge, it is off to one side.


The pin comes up from an angle to the striking point, perhaps this has caused the pin to wear on one side over time?


Time to take it to the gunsmith? Or can the parts be got and done myself?


Cheers, Sam :hmm:

If you can strip the gun, as you have, then you can replace the pin yourself. If the pin is bent, it will be binding in the hole, causing a weak strike to the primer. If the pins are interchangeable, swap them over, if the problem moves to the other barrel, there's your answer. If you can't get a replacement pin, contact me.

If it is not the pin causing the problem, it is most likely to be a weak mainspring, You can swap the mainsprings to prove this point also. Whilst the gun is stripped it would be worth replacing both.

My money is on the mainspring, you would have noticed if the pin was binding in the hole, whilst it was stripped.

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I would like to have a go at doing it myself, perhaps with Sid's help again :yes:


So where is the best place for the parts, local gunsmiths, or anywhere online? Or alternately you by the sounds of things?


Cheers, Sam :D

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On the Midland top pin because it strikes at an

upward angle make sure the hole the pin comes through

is not worn and causing the pin to be off centre.


Cheers taz.


When fired the pin looks to fill the hole well, same as the bottom pin, but doesn't look to bind.


Will try swapping the springs as Bob recommended and see what happens.


Cheers, Sam :yes:

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