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Bagged rabbit...

Sten Ch

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Last Saturday I had a quite remarkable - and funny - experience when training my cocker spaniel Bris before the last field trial of the season. She worked down in a rather steep ditch, densely covered with grass and tussocks of reed. Suddenly I could hear her make a short rush to flush something. Then something quite big and striped emerged from the ditch with a high, rustling sound. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw it was a running plastic bag! I had my camera in my hands but was too astonished to raise it immediately - I'm usually quite fast on that trigger too... I was so confused; a living plastic bag scurrying away in front of my eyes. After a few seconds the plastic bag had run 20 meters and I came to my senses and took a series of photographs of which i enclose one.


The rabbit must have had its seat close to the bag, panicked and run its head through one of its handles when my dog flushed it. It ran like hell with the handle midships and the rustling plastic bag on its back. After 50 meter the bag fell of and the rabbit dissapeared over a small hill. Down in the ditch sat Bris patiently wondering what the Hell was going on up there!


Edited by Sten Ch
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What happened to the rabbit, did it get out of the bag or was it on the nights menu? :lol:



After 50 meter the bag fell of and the rabbit dissapeared over a small hill.



I beleive that your answer is already there SAVAGE :good::lol:



Nice story and great pic Sten

Edited by NitroUK
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