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Vauxhall Corsa


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Sounds like one of the relays has stuck on. Find out which is the power on relay from a Haynes manual or the owners manual and remove it ( with the battery recharged and the ignition on). If the light goes ot then its likely to be the relay. Be careful though because it could also be the ignition switch...

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agree with above but i had similar problem with my corsa and all i needed to do was replace the battery but i put a 1.8 diesel in my 1.2 to give it more than enough, seems to have solved the problem also dose he have all that stuff in the boot subs, speakers etc??


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For an alternator light to come on AFTER switching off the ignition points more to a shorting fault NOT leaving Lights etc on.


Once the ignition is turned off this cuts almost ALL major power circuits in the car.


An alternator light being on when the key is removed would generally point to the Alternator shorting out (possibly oil on the Diode plate) or a insulation Fault like the bush has broke or worn away or a wire has burned through making contact with the block or bracket allowing the unit to short out to Ground.


Either way get it sorted as this CAN lead to an electrical fire

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