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the law regarding green laning?


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got bored at college so went out for a drash along the local green lanes in the jimny. was good fun, first time in that car and it did very well, its gone from shiny red to red with a mud tinge. only had one hary moment, but it wasnt to bad. and considering its running on the standard wheels and rubbers, and we were going through mud up to the grill.

but anyway back to the original topic. what exactly is the law concerning green laning. i was told by someone at college, that it is now illegal to take vehicles on these lanes( actual terminoligy is BOAT- Byway Open to All Traffic) is this true?





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But who knows anymore, too many tree hugging hippy t***s about

these days!!


Obviousely you're not a farmer or gamekeeper that has these 4x4 weekend/townie ****** churning up the farm tracks and

going onto crops when they get bogged down on the green lanes.


The damage they do around here is unbelievable. :good::good:

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Lots of BOAT's and RUPP's have been made into restricted byways which are no-no's for cars. You can still drive on BOAT's and RUPP's if they are still classified as that. Green Lanes local to me have all been either tarmaced or marked up as 'Public Byways' with a Public Footpath type sign. Check our www.way-finder.co.uk for your local green lanes.

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A lot of the lanes have had their status changed over the last 12-18 months :o Lots have now been closed to vehicles, be careful.


Too many a**eholes out there who are only to happy to report you


seconded this is the problem, ***** with 4x4's and motorbikes who churn up the green lanes and also think nothing of driving accross fields etc, a lot of the bikes have no tax or test and non existent silencers which really upsets most wildlife as they hoon round. This then ruins the countryside for walkers and the likes of you and me while out shooting.

In areas with problems they can apply to restrict by ways so it is getting better but its not easy. If you're green laning just take it easy and try not to rip tracks up too much. after all if you want to go and get muddy there are loads of 4x4 courses about

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