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In relation to DRIVEN DAY selling.


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Right, now having spoken to the farmer a few things have been changed.


Firstly a BAG for the day has been set of 50-80 birds, after reaching 80- (if we do) then i will ask if the guns want to continue for an extra minimal cost, or end it at 80.


The shoot bag limit will include partridges, ducks, and any other animal shot with exceptions of collard doves.


The day that im selling will be the second day of the shoots season, and the drives will include maize cover strips and woodlands. It will also be on a saturday to be arranged and in mid-november.


Food isnt provided, however there are two local pubs or a packed lunch as per usual.


The day is a driven day, with beaters and pickers up and there will be around 6-7 drives.


Would prefer a group of guns that know each other to attend, as in a group shoot. But if not single pegs can be sold. In relation to the price of the day, after speaking to the farmer a small change has occured with a set price/bag for the day. With the increase of wheat, and fuel etc, the price of pheasant shooting is rocketing, i personally dont want to charge much for a days pheasant shooting and want to charge alot less than most shoots.


(I was offered a days shooting last year, for a 30-40 bag day for £130,) and having spoken to my game farmer the price of poults are up by 30/40p= £3.25 per poult, which is cheap, so am certain that that price would have increased. (Im sure others can also confirm this)


So the final, and accepted price for the day, of 50-80 bag will be £100 if only 50 bag is reached, or £120 if over 50 too 80 has been met, this includes the price for the beaters and pickers up (But minus the keepers tip, if its deserved ??? ) Personally i think this is reasonable, and still a bargain of a price to shoot driven pheasant in the on going increase of price for the sport.


If anyone is interested for definate, then please drop me a PM about it and i can explain more so about the day, also read some of my posts about my previous seasons to get an idea on what is on offer, will be running on a first come first served basis.


Like i have said before, im not doing it to make money to pay for the running of the shoot, only to help out with the running, but then i dont want to undersell myself too much, which is why the figure is at the reasonable and still affordable price it is. It would be cheaper without the need for paid beaters, but then thats the driven out of the window. Im certain people would prefer driven, than walk/stand or rough shooting.



Many thanks


(P.s if numbers are not reached i will not bother with the day, its not a must its just an idea and also the Shoot is between ipswich and bury st edmunds in Suffolk.)

Edited by Ferretboy111
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Only for the sold driven day. Beaters day will still be happening on the last day, will be consisting of one day for john, 1 sold, 1 day for john, and beaters day. Thats if there are still plenty of birds about, if not it will jut be 1 for john and 1 for sold, and the beaters day.


At the moment Groups of 9 wanting to buy the day, who know each other would be better than one's and two's.


Many thanks


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As above- If no groups are offered of 9 guns, then i shall fill the spaces with ones and twos.


Thinking from a keepers point of few, i would rather 9 guns that knew each other in some way and know the score about the day, also with a definate yes to the day instead of people pulling out at the last minute.


Makes the whole day much easier and enjoyable for everyone.


I shall keep everyone posted.



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