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Importing gun parts - what can bring back?


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I'm off to the US soon and would like to bring (or post) a few parts back to the UK. I know a new stock would be OK but which parts of a gun are 'a gun' if you know what I mean? :) Which bit should be declared or subject to import controls?


Is improrting a trigger OK, or the bolt assembly, or the barrel?



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Well, I left Kentucky back in '49

An' went to Detroit workin' on a 'sembly line

The first year they had me puttin' barrels on Mossbergs


Every day I'd watch them beauties roll by

And sometimes I'd hang my head and cry

'Cause I always wanted me one that was long and black.


One day I devised myself a plan

That should be the envy of most any man

I'd sneak it out of there in a lunchbox in my hand

Now gettin' caught meant gettin' fired

But I figured I'd have it all by the time I retired

I'd have me a gun worth at least a half a grand.



I'd get it one piece at a time

And it wouldn't cost me a dime

You'll know it's me when I come through your town

I'm gonna ride around in style

I'm gonna drive everybody wild

'Cause I'll have the only one there is a round.



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it should all be declared as goods purchased while abroad. You are required to pay VAT on them if you bought them overseas.


as far as FAC/SGC goes, if you have it on your certificate you can bring it back. Pressure bearing parts such as actions and barrels must be declared as firearms parts and checked in. Stocks, scopes, and mounts don't.


Incidentally when I came though this weekend they didn't even check my ammo. I asked specifically about it since I had been told previously that customs will enter it on your fac. They didn't even want to see it. They checked the serial numbers on the guns and called it a day.




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Chard gets a bonus point for bringing Johnny Cash lyrics onto the thread...


So, hypothetically, if I have .22 and .17HMR on my ticket and I own a Quad, I can bring back another barrel as long as it is on my ticket and I have a slot. Does the US seller have to write on the ticket?

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I was told recently that that you can bring anything back as loing as you declare it and pay the duty ( you do not need an import license) - so you are correct in saying you can bring a barrel back as long as you have the space on your ticket and you have told customs that you are bringing firearms parts back

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I think you should check everything out with customs,airline,firearms officer before you go as you could end up in a world of trouble.Incidently some things that are blatently not firearms "components" may still be classed so under U S federal law like a Boresnake would you believe!!Just be very carefull.

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I am currently importing parts for a custom build.


Actions need a US export licence, to get this you need a UK import licence, you then have the UK legal palaver when it gets here as it wont be on your UK paperwork. There are some good actions for sale from PRS or on Guntrader there are some Bats. Buy it here, just less aggro.


Barrels CAN be the same, even unchambered. I believe that an US export license is needed but one US barrel manufacturer who I have a order placed with has advised me that I do not need any export/import paperwork. I have told him I think he is wrong but that may be a US state legal difference. PM me for further details if you want. Not here that often but I am on other boards under the same name.


Stocks,. No problem at all.


Scopes. US export licence needed for sure, recent legisilation now makes it hard to find anyone in the states prepared to export one scope. When I checked through a Nightforce recently it was only about £50 dearer in the UK and is covered by UK warrenty. People have recently been jailed in the US for exporting or attempting to export scopes yet a friend of mine walked one through customs in a plastic bag last winter !!. To risky for me !!. Might be better to look toward the EU but you will still have the warrenty issue.


Dies/ Presses etc, No problem at all.


Brass and bullets, I am told there is not problem with brass and non expanding bullets but if you go over your max purchase amount on your ticket for expanding you will hit problems this side.


When you arrive here you will have to declare them, duty would be payable and if over a certain amount maybe VAT. Firearm parts may then have to be inspected by the local Police as a customs officer may not know what needs to be on a ticket and what not.




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Many thanks to everyone for the excellent replies - I think I will just stick to a stock as that seems safe. No one likes to hear the snap of a latex glove going on a Customs Officer when you come home! :lol:


Thinking about the 'pressure' parts, I'd also need to get it proofed if I was ever going to sell it, so there goes another £100.


"Chard gets a bonus point for bringing Johnny Cash lyrics onto the thread..." Hmm. I think that should be *minus* one point. :lol:


Thanks to all again.

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