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A memorable day


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When I walked the hounds to the irrigation pool this morning, I noticed a number of fry skittering about on the surface. A sure sign of harriying perch. So I decided to come back later in the day. I have caught perch from the pool before, but none of any substatsial size. Today I got a bit more than I bargained for. I walked to the pool at about 6pm, taking only my spinning tackle. I started to cast about a small plug with a heavy rattle due to cloudy water, with little hope of catching my the fish of my dreams. I retrived with a start - stop, sweeping retrive but at a resonable pace. The lure was about six foot from my rod when it stopped, I struck and reeled in, a fist of a tail flew out the water thrashing this way and that chucking water about every where. I brought the fish to my feet, heart in my throut, almost shaking with joy. I unkoohed it, and measured it against my forearm (It appears to be about 9-10in head to tail) I quckly admired its tigered flanks and blood red fins, not to mention its feace stare and mouth like drain pipe, and slipped it gently back into the water.


So my biggest ever perch goes into the murky depths unphotographed and unweighed.


I am a first class *** for forgetting about the camra phone :huh:

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i know what you meen mate a few years ago i was out fishing with my dad and elder brother when my brother caught a 5lb 8 oz perch us being utter fools dad had to drive home to get the camera and scales while we put the perch in a keep sack if we had bought the camera and scales it would of been alot less hassle on the fish (he was in the anglersmail)

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nah mate the british record is a little over 6lb now. At the time it was so we kept quiet about it not wanting the lake to become overfished but it leaked out and the inveitable happened a peacefull little lake turned into a hell hole of a mud bath.

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About 2 lb on the size you say it was.



Well bloody done :lol: You don't get them too often.






Most normal people don't catch 2lb perch very often, however I've struck gold again! I went down this evening and after about 20mins another perch nailed my spoon. This time I was armed with a set of scales and a camera phone. After a quick few photos I weighed it in at..... 2lb 8oz :D FM, eat your heart out :rolleyes:


Unfortunately I cannot get the photos off my phone, but they are preatty spectacular.

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PERCH (Perca fluviatilis)

5 9 8 2 537 2002 Dean Rawlings (Aged 11), Glebe Lake, Fringford

This is the the officially recognised weight of the largest rod caught perch within the british isles recorded. It is in lb ounce drahm etc. Figures are from the BRFC who are a shower but they are de man when it comes to this. do not wish to seem like a pedant but they do not call me jimDfish for nothing


P.S got carried away with my self then Re Stagg. a stonking fish,well done, get there down in winter it could be touchin 2 3/4

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Well done Red... Go back with some Lobbies and stake it out... Perch are very sociable fish and where you catch one big un you often get another.


About four years ago whilst fishing a private stretch of the upper Bristol Avon I was lucky enough to get stuck into a shoal of big perch and cauught 5 all around the 2lb 8oz mark all on big lobbies. I have had a fish of 3lb 6 oz from the Thames at Hinton Waldrist which is my biggest to date.


Nothing beats a huge stripey... :lol:



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jimdfish that odd i swear there was a story in the angling times last year about a lad who caught a 6lb perch

I understand that fish weighed at over 6lb have been taken but not accepted by the Official Record Fish Committee. I myself have seen a dead perch caught in an extraction grille which was badly decayed but even so went to 5lb 11oz.

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