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12g Dangerous game slugs Gualandi/brenneke


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For sale, packs of 5 Dangerous game slugs. ready to be reloaded in to cases. These are 100% legal to own, you only need fac if they are actually loaded in to a shell they are classed as components and are non expanding so no need to be entered on any ticket. I got these for a trip to France with a friend shooting boar, and have plenty left. As I am selling my slug gun to concentrate on clays there isn't much point in having these sat around doing nothing.


I have about 45 left, selling in packs of 5. And if someone want a gun to fire them out of I have a nice winchester 1200 pump.


Selling for £3.50 including postage per pack of 5. Selling in 5's as not many people will need that many at any one time, I will say a good portion of that price is the postage (they are lead) so buy 10 or as many as you like it will work out better value for money.


A bit about the slugs themselves:




They use a solid lead rifled projectile with a cellulose (plas) "wad" that acts like a shuttlecock skirt to stabilise in flight. The rifles are not to impart spin as many think in a smooth barrel or the air they act as squish points to allow the slug to pass through the choke of the gun. They are extremely accurate slugs, we were messing around in a friends orchard in France and could group to a few inches at 45 or so yards, they fly nice and true with the skirt, no tumbling which can occur with other slugs. Plus they achieve very good penetration so ideal for boar or other dangerous game where you want to be assured of a hit = a kill. They are reportedly safe for use through any choke, however common sense dictates they are not used through tight chokes, especially on old or thin walled guns eg. SxS I would recommend a pump or semi, or at least a butch O/U. Accuracy will suffer through too tight a choke, we found the ideal was improved cylinder, but anything from open, skeet improved to 1/4 will suffice.


Obviously you are buying at your own risk etc. etc.



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Lol you know how it is with shooting kit you get greedy and imagine you need ten times more than you actually do!


I think highseas wants them all anyway. He's obviously suffering the same malady!


I haven't sold the gun yet, I don't know what the rules are about selling something else on the thread but provided no-opne minds it is a 28" multichoke with 2 chokes winchester 1200 pump action. Pretty good condition, some anodising has worn off the action, the barrel is in quite nice condition, the stock and forend have been oil finished and look nice now, it is a nice gun, nowhere near mint, but it is tidy enough not to be an embarrassment but you wouldn't curse all day if it fell over in a hide. Looking for about £175 Obviously perfect working order.

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