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Extended/Flush fit chokes


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I have a brother who will shortly be coming over on one of his visits from the states, and I am thinking of getting him to bring some trulock chokes as a kick start to my collection. In particular I am looking at the Sporting Clay extended ones.


I'm sure this is a silly question but... would there be any problem, other than aesthetic, using these in a mix 'n match fashion with my supplied flush fit invectors?

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I occassionally use flush and extended chokes together - one in each barrel - on the principal that the shot does not start to spread enough as it exits the barrel to cause a problem, and indeed I have not had any problems.

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if you shoot dirty cartridges you might get a bit of soot/powder build up on the extended. But that's not a problem since it will wipe off on your hands the first time you take the choke out.

Excellent, so that's something to look forward to then. Actually cbf, it was a reply of yours to one of my earlier posts that brought trulock to my attention.


Many thanks for all the replies, it looks like I'd best get my order in. Given that I currently only shoot sporting, and I already have the Miroku supplied Improved Modified, Modified and Improved Cylinder, does anyone want to suggest what I should go for. (I'm looking to spend just enough to get my 'free' Team Trulock cap!)

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if you have Imod, IC, and Mod already you are pretty much covered for anything you'd want to do except maybe shoot skeet. If you are shooting game birds you could do a lot worse than IC/Mod or mod/Imod. Same for waterfowl or even sporting. If you were shooting a bunch of skeet I'd say pick up a Sk1/Sk2 combo but I've shot skeet with IC/Mod and done as well as Sk1/Sk2.


What are you trying to accomplish with new chokes that you can't do now?


If you are just looking to fill out the collection, I'd go with Sk2, Sk1 and full in that order. That will fill in the lower end of the choke spectrum for birds under 35yd or for shooting open steel patterns. Then the full will give you the opportunity on longer birds or on pass shooting pigeons/crows if you want to later.




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