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BASC Subs collection


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Like many I pay multiple BASC subs due to a spread of memberships. I then in each case have to reclaim all but one of the BASC subs to ensure continuation on a yearly basis.


I suspect this reclaiming process is replicated all over the country by many 1000’s of members at a huge cost from the coffers and admin resource of both BASC and club alike.


I have asked the question before and would like to re visit it. Is it not now possible that BASC can be paid direct by the member by bank transfer on a yearly basis, and issue a plastic (long life) membership card. Central records can confirm membership for the affiliated clubs and associations in each case when the club renewal is due.


The financial savings should be quite considerable and ad a much needed boost to BASC funds to continue the representation we all require as field sports enthusiasts.

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Thanks for that guys.


We are looking to automate refunds so to take the hassle away from you guys and save us all money and time!


We are also looking at plastic cards, in fact we are looking at different plastic cards so you can choose your design – i.e.:








As to a long standing card- may not work in our case. With the AA just because you have a card means nothing- only when you call their breakdown service for example do you need to prove you are a member.


With BASC membership however, I think may who want to see a card for evidence of insurance would feel better seeing a dated card. We would still have to send you written confirmation of insurance anyway, and the cost of the card – even a plastic one is only about 10p.



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