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Whimple Hunter

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helo people.


i have two hobs coming up for a year old and im planning on getting a jill kit this breeding season and wonder if while the female is stil a kit shld i house her seperatli from my hobs or is it safe to put a jill kit in with 1 year old hobs.


also when she is like 4 months old will it be alrite to let her live in with the boys . or shall i house her on er own in her own cage?like permantly house er in with the boys? so 1 jill and 2 hobs in 1 cage?



i will hope to breed from her nxt year. open to all replies. be honest.



thanks alot.



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Put her in , it will cause no problems.You are hoping to breed from her? Mate be prepared , she WILL breed, lots and lots!!My advice is choose your favorite worker from the hobs and have the other castrated, and once you have bred castrate the other too.Ferrets can breed like rabbits............................I had 26 at one point!!

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Put her in , it will cause no problems.You are hoping to breed from her? Mate be prepared , she WILL breed, lots and lots!!My advice is choose your favorite worker from the hobs and have the other castrated, and once you have bred castrate the other too.Ferrets can breed like rabbits............................I had 26 at one point!!

is it alrite to put er in at kit stage?

cheers mate


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I think everyone has their own ideas where ferrets are concerned.

As I prefer to work jills, I usually only have one, or two hobs and I always keep my jills and hobs separate.

A very young jill in with two larger hobs could get bullied badly.


When she comes into season, she should only be left with one hob.

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I wouldnt put a jill kit with 2 hobs. The hobs will bascially try and mate with the jill constantly, it will end up dieing. Why dont you go for two jills?? so the two kits can live together and play together, then when they are older and you want to breed, u can.


Thats what i would do.



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cant beleave some of the answers here :rolleyes:

2 one year old hobs, will as stated bully and probably end up killing a young jill kitt, when they want to breed, they wont give a **** how old it is, or if its in season or not,

keep the jill seperate, but as stated get two,

also have one hob VASECTAMISED not castrated, a snipped hob you can use to get jill's out of season if you dont want to breed a particular jill, a castrated hob WONT


I have 2 snipped, 1 catrated living in the court, along with four FULLY GROWN jills, the jills that I want to breed are taken out as they come into season, and put with my entire male in the breeding pens, those not wanted for breeding, get left in the court, to be taken out of season by the snipped hobs

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