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Will a pump fit into a breakdown cabinet?


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Bought a breakdown as was told that the barrel from pumps and semis come off so theres no problem fitting them in the smaller cabinets. Bought an O/U which is obviously fine in them but now looking at picking up a semi or a pump. Was told in a different gunshop whilst looking that they wont fit in a breakdown. Can anyone confirm this? :/

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You need to take the barrel of a pump or semi to clean it effectively, and they usually come off in seconds.


Unscrew the big knurled nut on the end of the fore-end; remove the fore-end. pull the barrels straight out of the action.


Clean the gun and store it apart. Re-assemble before putting it in the slip to go out shooting.


Only thing to watch out for is most semi / pumps will have an extra tang length on the barrel - ie, if its a 28" this is from the working face of the action, but the barrel itself will be longer, maybe 32 - 34" overall. So before buying a gun / breakdown combination you need to know the available space in the cab and true full barrel length of the gun.


Jerry Parks Young

CPSA Senior Coach

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