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AP and chubby.


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I wouldnt to bothered about the antis, I think they're not to interested in a man going out with his gun or fishing rod.


Its the organized hunts and animal testing businesses they seem to target, I could be wrong but I have never heard of antis approaching a man in a hide with a shotgun, now that would be a crazy.


I thought you were SAS for a moment.. :yp:


Good pics, more to come I hope.


The PM

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pigeon master


i agree that the antis agenda is organised hunts terrier work etc at the top (a little ironic as fox hunting is so inefficient at killing foxes, but thats another story) but they are concerned with shooting fishing etc (PETA is anti horse racing for god sake). if you post on multiple forums on a range of topics you must be careful with your identity, im not advocating full scale paranoia but these people scan the web sites and compile profiles on people who are particularly prominent or distastefull to them. i love to hunt shoot fish etc and have no intention to stop. i like to meet up with new like minded people and will do this also. i even occasionally will debate my motivations for enjoying the life i lead with people who dont agree with my views. i just think its best to be on the safe side.

im doing you a favour really as im fairly ugly



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Pete your right for sure, and keeping safe is number one for sure, but for me I'm doing a legal act and no one is going to stop me from posting pics and comments on a sport that I love.


I understand your comments though and I'm sure theres a few guys on the site that follow suite.


The PM.


Dont let the wife see that post FM or your in trouble mate, she will knock the bedroom action on the head if she does. :yp:


The PM

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pete, got agree with you about keeping safe, but there must be some really stupid anti's out there if they want to start anything with a man and his gun..........


i do like the idea of having heated debates with "them". although i tend to win one way or the "other"...........he he he

several black eyes later, they normanly come around to my point of veiw......works a treet !!! :yp: ;)

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