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Pigeon in snow


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I always thought that decoying in snow was a waste of time ( at least that’s what the books say )because the birds become snow blind and cannot see the decoys. Today proved that wrong. The ground was covered with about 3 inches of snow , cloudy but not snowing.


I set up a magnet , lofter and a dozen decoys in a field next to the rape. The rape field was too exposed and cold for a long wait so I found a sheltered spot over the hedge. Almost as soon as I got into the hide the first pigeons came in and within 5 mins I had 10. I put 5 up set bouncer style on top of the short cut hedge using the spiky branches to secure them. Now it started to snow and the birds piled in. Several times I was caught in the open while directing the dog on blind retrieves , but the pigeons showed no fear of me and I dropped several like this. They kept this up for 3\4 of an hour and then the snow stopped and the sun came out . For some reason the birds became very spooky as soon as it stoped snowing , they may have seen the shine on the wet decoys once i brushed the snow off.


After killing a few birds there was a lull for the next hour and I hardly saw a pigeon , until the next snow shower when they started to move again. So it continued until about 3.00pm birds moving as soon as it snowed. many were picking up the decoys from 3-400 yards off and yet they seemed unable to see me standing up above the hide at times ( I was wearing Advantage Timber camo ) Some dropped into the decoys and still did not notice me. After 4 1\2 hours the battery on the magnet packed up and so did I with 68 birds in the bag. A great days sport in exciting conditions.

Edited by anser2
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