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Anyone not finished their harvest?


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has anyone on here not finished combining.

i think theres only 2 farms down here that havn't combined yet. and then out of the parish a few of my friends have about 150acres left of barely. and then were i work have 1000acres left to do of random crops.

hope it went well for all like it did for us :lol: we combined 1 day. baled the next. and carted the day after :lol: stress over and then back onto the :lol: every day.


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Finish our own a few days ago averaged about 18% which wasnt to bad for the year. We have half a field left to do for someone else after we gave up beacause neither the combine or the tractors and trailers could travel. A neigbour has just spend 40k on a new combine and it tavel with it being so wet and our 20 year old thing will.


In the past we have had a problem with water shortages so we deicded we should get a bore hole so we ordered it and ever since then it has rained! When it came we had to tow the drilling rig the compressor and two vans into the field and then back out again.

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£40k on a new combine. not much.. our contractor bought a JD 1177 for £16k last month..

but i would've thought a £90k combine for people in england, with all you arable boys up there. :lol:

i think ours was about 15% for barely. which is poor for these parts. and 16% for Oats.

we dont dry or anything though. straight feed.

where i work they will never cut anything over 15% and then they dry it and it was cut at 12%.


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we finished the beans , last week


wheat came in at 13% to 17%


i work for a bailer contractor , we still need to bail 3000t of straw !!!!!!!!!


it aint gonna happen


but straw feched £76 a ton and barley about £70 . straw worth more than grain !!


if any of you read farmers weekly then my boss wrote the straw market bit in last weeks FW , and they spelt his name wrong !



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Well were i live isnt really much of a arable area we have about 150acres on our 600 acre farm and do some more for a neigbour but round here its mainly sheep and cattle farms. Weve just spend 10k on our combine NH 8060. I was talking to a contractor today and he is absolutly sick of pulling the combine out ever time they get stuck which has happened so many times they have lost count.

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