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Whirler Decoys


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Iv newly finished a cobbled whirler from windscreen wiper motors and other scrounged bits, anyway, what are peoples opinions on these fancy decoys ie. Air Pro, Hypa Flappers or just bog standard flying decoys, are they really better than the real deal?


Any thoughts would be mucho appreciated! :rolleyes:


Mr T

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Yeah that appeals at the moment, the only problem is that i still live at home as im only 17, so Mother dearest wont be too pleased if she finds 2 woodies in the freezer! :blush:


Ill work on her, rather that than spending £50 of my hard earned cash on air pros or hypa flappers or whatever.


Cheers for the good advice :rolleyes:


Mr T

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in that you don't have to freeze them to keep them YES


but other than that NO


Dead birds are best but the fake ones will do fine until you shoot some new dead ones to replace the fakes on our magnet


My hyperflaps are good as deeks but quite delicate to bag up and walk over the fields


I've just got my spinning wing doves from that famous hunting shop in the US and made some mounts plus a sock to give a fan tail and mat-grey back and white neck marks..... I'll see how they do but they will be fine in the bag (light and reasonably robust)



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Iv newly finished a cobbled whirler from windscreen wiper motors and other scrounged bits, anyway, what are peoples opinions on these fancy decoys ie. Air Pro, Hypa Flappers or just bog standard flying decoys, are they really better than the real deal?


Any thoughts would be mucho appreciated! :hmm:


Mr T

I have never pulled in woodies with my air-pros, however they do pull in ferrels like no mans business!!!


I have been using recently some cheep bog standard flying decoys which I have glued some real pigeon wings to and glued some tail feathers in the open (fanned) position, they have been working just as well as a whole dead bird, and a hell of a lot cheaper too :lol:

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