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Game Cover Crops

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its ok if you have a large area, we had a great year with it spun onto a stubble field probably about 10 acres of it before it was ploughed up for spring cropping. But it has next to no food value so ideally use it in connection with an area of maize / millet etc

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A very under rated crop. It has the very distinct advantage that you do not have to rely on a farmer to put it in!!


We put ours in by hand a week before the corn is be cut. To broadcast simply a bucket of seed each and walk in line along the tramlines scattering as you walk. The more of you there are the quicker the job gets done and/or the bigger area you can cover. That way the mustard crop is very patchy with sunny gaps in between clumps of cover, which is just how the birds like it. Often when a spinner is used the mustard is just too thick for the birds.

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