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XX Full choke!


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Cheers for your advice regarding pump vs auto. I think I'll get both! :hmm:


They're both multi-choke tho', and when I had a look to see what options are available I found a beast called a XX Full Turkey choke. I tried a google search but just got yank threads about dear shooting.


Does anyone here use them? What effect does it have on range? And what shot sizes work best thru them?


Cheers :hmm:

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There is an old adage that says . The better the shot you are the tighter the choke you should use . We should all know our capabilitys and what choke to use . An other adage that comes to mind mind is , beware of the man who has only one gun . He is proberbly a good shot . Harnser .

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Cheers for your advice regarding pump vs auto. I think I'll get both! :hmm:


They're both multi-choke tho', and when I had a look to see what options are available I found a beast called a XX Full Turkey choke. I tried a google search but just got yank threads about dear shooting.


Does anyone here use them? What effect does it have on range? And what shot sizes work best thru them?


Cheers :hmm:

The range stays the same, with chokes, its the pattern you are adjusting for a particular range or type of shooting. I use 1/2 for pigeon shooting, cylider if im fowling or shooting over a small flight pond and 3/4 or full for roosting. :hmm:

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as a yank I feel qualified in posting.


The extra full chokes are normally used for turkey shooting. Turkey hunting involves locating birds with locator calls and then calling them into range. Head and neck shots are what kill birds, so you need a dense, even pattern to ensure a couple pellets in the head and neck. One pellet is enough, but 5-10 are guaranteed kills. As such, you are actually aiming a shotgun and not just pointing. The more full the choke is the further out you can ensure good pattern density. It is easier to extend your guns range than it is to bring the birds closer sometimes, so people are moving to tighter and tighter chokes.


Loads for turkey vary, but they are normally over 1 1/2 oz of shot(40+ gram) often well over that. My gun likes the 2 oz (56 gr) 3" federals in #6 shot though a turkey full choke (0.055" constriction). It is a baikal/remington O/U. If I want to stick to 2 3/4" loads I have some 1.5oz magnums in 5 shot that do well also. I keep my range to 40 yd, but some guys are shooting 60+ with 75% loads at that range. That is pretty incredible performance.


Other than turkey, the super extra full chokes aren't normally used (except sometimes for buckshot for either deer or coyote). There is a shooting competition called card shooting where you are trying to put a single pellet as close to a point as possible. Tighter chokes are required there too, though they are shooting 9 shot and using constriction as high as 0.085"! You'll also see extra full chokes for steel and waterfowl. However if you measure the constriction they aren't as full as those for lead for obvious reasons.




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as a yank I feel qualified in posting.


The extra full chokes are normally used for turkey shooting. Turkey hunting involves locating birds with locator calls and then calling them into range. Head and neck shots are what kill birds, so you need a dense, even pattern to ensure a couple pellets in the head and neck. One pellet is enough, but 5-10 are guaranteed kills. As such, you are actually aiming a shotgun and not just pointing. The more full the choke is the further out you can ensure good pattern density. It is easier to extend your guns range than it is to bring the birds closer sometimes, so people are moving to tighter and tighter chokes.


Loads for turkey vary, but they are normally over 1 1/2 oz of shot(40+ gram) often well over that. My gun likes the 2 oz (56 gr) 3" federals in #6 shot though a turkey full choke (0.055" constriction). It is a baikal/remington O/U. If I want to stick to 2 3/4" loads I have some 1.5oz magnums in 5 shot that do well also. I keep my range to 40 yd, but some guys are shooting 60+ with 75% loads at that range. That is pretty incredible performance.


Other than turkey, the super extra full chokes aren't normally used (except sometimes for buckshot for either deer or coyote). There is a shooting competition called card shooting where you are trying to put a single pellet as close to a point as possible. Tighter chokes are required there too, though they are shooting 9 shot and using constriction as high as 0.085"! You'll also see extra full chokes for steel and waterfowl. However if you measure the constriction they aren't as full as those for lead for obvious reasons.





Thats what I wanted to know. Cheers fella!


I use 1/2 and full on doubles at the moment, normal rough shooting chokes. I think I'll just stick with the half in a multi, unless I'm specifically targeting one discipline.



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