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Second ever Fox with my HMR

Dirty Harry

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I shot this bad boy last night. I saw him whilst lamping from the truck and spent 10 minutes messing about with the lamp and car to try to get it on aim but lost sight of him.

After 20mins of driving around the same field looking for rabbits and getting off quite a few shots with the HMR I went back where I saw the fox, in a copse next to the field.

I saw the eyes again and managed to get it on aim shooting out of the passangers window. The fox was lifting his head up and ducking back down again and was head on to me in long grass. I got on aim and shot the next time his head came up. As soon as I shot he dissapeared. I thought I had mised.

I got out and went to look for it. He was only about 30 yards away lying in the grass exactly where I shot him. He had not moved an inch. At first I thought it was still alive and just lying down hiding.

On closer inspection I saw his right eye had popped out a bit and was bleeding. I had got him right between the eyes with a 20grain hollow point.

I was really pleased with myself A. for shooting the fox and B. for making a good job of it.

It was a dog fox and he was quite big with a really good coat.

I ended up with 17 rabbits and the fox.




Edited by Dirty Harry
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