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metal detecting


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According to Wikipedia he has shagged over 1000 women....


no chance! people who have metal detectors don't have sex, i had one when i was a kid, got rid of it when i was about 10 an couldn't get laid untill i was nearly 16

Edited by Taff Mason
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OK, so after all the discussion, Mung and I decided to give metal detecting a go today.


We had a limited budget so we had to decide on either buying a decent detector or decent digging equipment. We decided that if we could dig a big enough hole we were bound to find something......so we skipped the detector.


Here we are having a dig -










Mung supervising the dig -






Then we stuck gold (well copper)




Mung was over the moon, that "rush" that someone talked about the other night was true...Mungs was yellow and came out of the bottom of his shorts...






It turned out to be a 1996 2 pence coin. We spoke to a few coin dealers and they confirmed that we could be sitting on a rare coin with AT LEAST 2 pence PROFIT !!! :hmm:


After a bit more digging...




We struck metal detecting gold...


Here I am with a 2004 pound coin, you can see the excitement in my face. I am embarrassed to say that I did get a bit of "seepage" when I un-earthed that bad boy.




Can anyone else beat our metal-detecting story from today ??.....

Edited by LV
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That was a whopping £1.02 profit!


Now to use today to plan how to spend my 51 pence share of the spoils.



Well, the digger cost £22000 so we only need to maintain that profit level 21568.63 times and we will be in the black.


This metal detecting really is a money spinner... :hmm::good:

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*****. I would have had a go at beating your defecting exploits, but it's too 'kin hot :hmm:


Is that thin bloke really Mung? A shadow of his former self :no:

No, it's a clone, known locally as a "munglet". Seeing the highly successful and highly profitable series of photos has given me the bug now, and as soon as the anti-biotics cure it, I shall be off to lidl's to put down a deposit on an anorak and plastic spade.


:good: Edit to remove spelling mistake. :good:

Edited by bob300w
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:good: Edit to remove spelling mistake. :good:


Do you have a medical condition or are you just slackarse careless? :angry:

:yes: Your concern over the slackness or otherwise of my nether regions is duly noted, not trying to join the Essex mafia are you? :angry:


I thought they'd been to Worsley yesterday. As I was going round, I kept noticing that all the used cartridge bins had an unusual number of hideously shocking pink cartridges. :angry:


I've seen pink cartridges before, but these were serious Mardi Gras jobs :angry:


I was looking over my shoulder all afternoon :hmm:

Edited by Chard
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