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decoy patterns


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:lol: hello all, please could you help me out, i have only had my gun for 5 weeks and have bought some pigeon shells and a bouncer. when i put them out the pigeons dont seem to be coming in, they seem to go to the sides. first decoy set at about 20 yards then rest in horse shoe pattern. bouncer at about 50 yards in middle of pattern at back.What am i doing wrong?
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When setting out your pattern you must take into account the wind direction for instance if it is 90 degrees left or right you may find an L shape works well with the bouncer at the open end of the horizontal leg.If the birds take a look but don't commit look at your pattern, something is not right and putting them off.Salopian

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I went shooting with a mate and the barstad wouldnt sit still. I sat beside him watching what he done. As soon as a bird flew near and jinks a little he shot up and grabed his gun off they went. he went off to do some thing for an hour leaving me to it. I sat on my stool with me gun at my side as the birds came in and moved into the wind I found that when the birds started to flap to brake there vision changes and foucus on the landing this is when in picked up the gun BLAMMMMMMMM if you can contain your exitment try and let one land ,keep a eye on this one , more will come in. when the first takes off or another comes in BLAMM at this one, this will scare up the first one and BLAMM again. Then all you must do is try and wipe the smile off your face ! god life is good , if Blair keeps his hands off it .

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