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shooting today


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I went to a charitteeeee shoot at Braintree Fennes today. There were loads of toffs there with names like Jeremy, Charles and Tarquin, all wearing tweed and shooting side by sides - guffaww, guffaww, bladdy good show !!!!


I went with two non shooters and a retired guy who owned a gun and had a bag of excuses that was bigger than the whole of the Essex Mafias put together.


I scored 42/60, with my "team mates" scoring 14, 16 & 17.........yes that is out of 60 :)


The last stand (which wasn't scored) was a four man 60 bird flurry and probably the most fun that you can have with your clothes on.


Anyway, is was a nice sunny day out, I got a bit sunburnt and the day raised funds towards the Little Havens Childrens Hospice.


I was honestly feeling sorry for all you poor ******* who must have been at work today.....NOT !!!!!!!!!!!! :yes:

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42/60 Which stands were being used ? I think No. 7 the two incomers from the high tower is the hardest, also the last stand at the bottom was set up up for oscillating standard and midi last Saturday which I found hard.


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42/60 Which stands were being used ? I think No. 7 the two incomers from the high tower is the hardest, also the last stand at the bottom was set up up for oscillating standard and midi last Saturday which I found hard.



each stand was 6 birds. I got a 5/6 on the high tower incomers and ballsed up the easy ones like the rabbits. :yes:

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Lucky ****** :good: . I've been stuck inside all day. Among other things today: global equity funds, offshore bonds, a SIPP, two suitability reports, ISAs and ISA transfers, money laundering and personal pensions.


Working late tomorrow so I probably can't get out until the weekend.


How much did you raise, and how did you get on against the Jeremys and Tarquins?


Can we speak about this service a little further?


I can't seem to get the hang of using the washing machine for this purpose. I really need someone who can do it properly.


Answers by pm please.

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Good score. :P


Tarquin will be fed up tonight quoffing down his single malt whilst wondering what the poor people are doing and telling poor old Daphne how there was a blood y ringer there spoiling their day out. :yp:



I found out that the winning Tarquin got 51/60...dammit ! Bloody toffs, too much time on their hands for shooting practise !! B) :lol:

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I'm quite lucky in my job as i get to do a lot of corporate shooting with the Quentin's of this world - Seems to be a case of "all the gear and no idea" most of the time. Still, at least they look nice in the photos!


LV - If there is any shooting going on in aid of Little Havens, please PM me - They took very good care of my granddaughter when she was on respite breaks and when she unfortunately died, the care and facilities they offered were absolutely fantastic. Really good organisation doing a really heartbreaking job.





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