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good bore sighter?


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I was given one for Christmas and decided to test it out by removing and replacing my scope and mounts on my .223. When I went to the range after having zeroed with the Leupold Boresighter it was shooting 17inches high at 100yds!

I now simply sight down the barrel and align the scope with that, it's more accurate.

I've tried the boresighter with my .22 and .17 and it was well out both times.

So I can't really recomend this boresighter to you.

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I may be stating the obvious here, but the correct way to use a boresighter is not to put it on your gun and wind the cross hairs to the central point, that's not how it works.

The procedure is to zero your gun first, then make a note of where it is on the boresighter graph, i.e. mine for the 223 is 1 square left and two squares high of centre.

Note which of your guns shoots where when it is zeroed, and keep the notes with the boresighter.

Mine is a vintage Nikko Stirling and works well, they are not an exact science, but they will get you within one inch on the target with the first shot after fitting a new scope or removing and replacing one.

They are also useful to check that your scope is still zeroed if it has had a knock.

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I used 1 on my new CZ .22rf i got a Bushnell scope then took off the mod and then placed it down the barrel then got the cross hairs onto the laser then removed built up then test fired gets it close and the range insists on first times very interesting handy safe tool to have :yp:

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