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410 moderator

deer stalker

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I have a very cheep .410 bolt action that i bort for£50 and it has a 3'' chamber so it is ideal for shooting pest in the garden and it is deadly! but i would like to make it quiter. I do not want to buy another gun that it is already moderated like the mossberg, but how much would it be to get the gun it tapped, re-proofed and a moderator fitted.

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You could get a 9" silencer fitted to the end. That way it wont need to be tapped and reproofed, but will probably make it so long that you will have to seperate action & barrel from stock in order to store it in a standard cabnet.


The saddlery gunroom www.saddleryandgunroom.co.uk have them for £55, and I was charged £30 to get it fitted.



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I'm in the process of doing this..


I've ordered a used 410 froma PW member. I have also ordered a hushpower moderator through Bamfords, its £55. I'm an engineer, so will have no problem machining the bush.


You will need to order the moderator through an RFD, who may be able to wuote for fitting. I would have thought that £30 was tops for the work. I could do it for you, but distance may be a problem.



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