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Business Jargon


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This article made me smile this morning.




My old CEO was a lover of these and made us laugh out loud sometimes. (obviously we didn't laugh whilst he was in the room)


Amongst his favourites were

The bear is in the cabin/cage. Meaning, we’ve got a meeting with a potential new client

We’re building a cathedral.-Meaning, this software we’re creating is jolly big.

I’m holding up the sky. – Meaning, I’ve got loads of things to do today.

Blue sky thinking – never ever worked that one out.

Park your buses nicely – Meaning, make sure you finish the job.


Anyone else have a CEO with a fondest for the ridiculous?

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I think Blue sky thinking is creative but impractical thinking, without boundaries but isn't of much practical use.


Few more


Get our ducks in a row - get everything sorted in line with plans

Circle the wagons - get defensive and ready for attack

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A few years ago I was in a particularly boring meeting where the Boss was preaching the virtues of all our wonderful products.

One product in particular had been plodding along for years with no real increase in sales volume. Every year whoever was the Boss at the time would tell us all how this would be the year that this product would "take off".


The Boss this time was Joe, a real in-your-face loud American.


As soon as he got to his "this is the year it will take off" drivel, I could stand it no longer.


I said in a very loud voice "Joe, it must be on the longest runway in the world, because it has been trying to take off for donkey's years and will run out of jet fuel before it's wheels ever leave the ground".


A couple of seconds dead silence was followed by everyone in the conference room (except for me and Joe) bursting into hysterics.


Joe gave me his best "Death Stare" and I smiled back at him.


Joe moved on to become a Global-Something in the second biggest Chemical Company in the world. I got a **** pay rise from him before he left and finally, the product is still taxi-ing down that runway :lol::lol::lol:

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Ah yes, ******** bingo. Love that game... Not that there is any of that played in my current company. no way!


Blue sky thinking is, from what I have been told, just letting your imagination have complete freedom of movement. You don't let little things like reality or, say, the laws of physics get in the way of the ideas as they come to you. I think the aim is to think of something, then work backwards and around the problems you fine (laws of physics etc) until you have a solution to the problem.


Which could be ******** of course as the idea is generally something someone in marketing thought up (i.e. they were drunk/on crack at the time)

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Sounds like CarCoat DampHands from sniffpetrol.com:


Up the hammer at Smelding last Wogan, blinking was flimsy, saw some squeal grasp a sweet cheese on a Freeloader, full breeze, grunty onions, some lumsden. This is no way to run a hotel. Squeaky.


Same Darren, poking was lightly on a greasy Vecturd. No one slides the pork style. 12 Peters, full towelling, sweaty orbs, priest. I think that smell came from your sister. Lovely.


Bad time of lug for the Gary to be shifting a Rachel Festa. Wet parping, grease bisley, nork holes. Five porpoise and it's smooth. For your sake I hope you've folded that properly. Knobbly.


Touched the bum of a low duct Schemer three last lemon. Old yoghurt, still stiff, well bunged on the moo, blow and chat. Felt moist, hard rasp, nice chives. It's probably her who stole our toast rack. Minty.

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