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No problem here guys I guessed Mungler was only making mischief & why I did not rise to the bait with his 4 questions.


I did think we were discussing a serious matter but if you prefer I will leave it there, I do not wish to upset any delicate ego's today.


Have fun whatever your shooting at.



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I had never seen practical shotgun shooting before, i just searched it on youtube and i therefore retract my last statement describing that i would try anything involving a gun............ This looks like the most Ubber-noobish type of shotgun shooting ever..... and i dont think i will be wasting my cartridges on it........


Although this is by no means an insult as i am very happy that you wish to participate in this sport.... :no: so please keep your toys in the pram....


Reporting for duty!!!





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The first two video's are from clubs I do not know & demonstrate the kinds of courses of fire & targets that the UKPSA would never allow & which I would like to see change, The third video was taken at a match that was also not sanctioned by the UKPSA but was a fun shoot, however I do not see any cammo anywhere in the video only a pair of grey loose fitting trousers from next & a tee shirt, I believe the RO has a Barbour on which im sure you would approve of, the last two are nothing to do with practical shotgun competition & are examples of what some people do with guns in other countries but they are not PSG shooters, I suspect the last one is a police class in the USA, many people like to mock what they themselves are affraid of, they also think they could do it better which i very much doubt.


I could drag up many video's of stupid acts by vermin & game shooters but I would not because we should embrace any shooting sport whatever it is if we all want to keep our guns, just because you use an O/U doesnt make your sport safe anymore, to the average guy in the street they are all just "guns" and should be banned.


This is why this country has lost so many arms of its shooting sports, we never stick together.


However if I ever decide to become a pub singer in north wales ill let you know Ice :no: B)



Edited by neil smith
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Your entitled to your opinion but remember opinions are like A**holes everyone has one.


I am not forcing my sport onto anyone this thread was started by a guy who asked for information, I offered some & other people who thought they new what it was about chipped in, I am only concerned with portraying the correct information about the sport.


People who are only interested in trying to show miss information simply show how juvernile & ignorant they are of the sport & have clearly never tried it.


I have been a member of this forum for a long while & have found many people on it to be helpfull however there are always a few haters that think its clever to knock others.


I wont say I told you so when all guns are banned because we didn't support each other.



Edited by neil smith
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you really do not have any sense of humour at all do you,

i think some of your comments have done yourself and what you represent no favours at all.

i am sure you will want to have the last word so please do but i will not be biting anymore and i think

you should try do the same on occasion. :no:

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I can assure you I have a very good sense of humour but I lost rifles in 89 and I also had to hand over pistols in 95 which I did not find funny at all, I am all for a laugh but as part of the UKPSA I only wish to see the sport continue as I do other branches of the shooting sports.



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How does taking the Mickey out of the "clunk click lock and load" tactical side of practical shotgunning lead to the ban of all guns and those who took the Mickey 100% responsible?


This thread has a funny side but I now recognise that practical shotgunning is a deadly serious business and that only deadly serious people may participate. Any suggestion that it is a bit daft may offend the deadly serious and for that I apologise. As above, I now understand that it is a 100% legitimate shooting sport that extends beyond special forces training for fat dads and requires a great deal of skill (and tactical clothing) and for me to suggest otherwise may make me as good as an anti and for that I apologise again.




Edited to extend my apologies to members of the shooting world who participate in airsoft, paintball and other shooting disciplines that may otherwise be construed as a bit of a fun but are in fact bona fide shooting disciplines with real competitions with real prizes and everything.

Edited by Mungler
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However if I ever decide to become a pub singer in north wales ill let you know Ice :no: B)



Please do..... by all mean i would embrase you with open arms, im more than sure Mungler could come up with a suitable track list for you......



Mungler the stage is yours................................. :(

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:lol::lol: :o


Just got back from town. It's all kicked orf :P


The thing is, if we were honest :no: :( B) there is a bit of the Rambo in all of us. If I was being really honest, I could admit that when I first got the Mossberg, I might have adopted a Rambo-esque pose in front of the mirror and decided that I looked much 'arder than Chuck Norris :o :o ??????:lol:


But that was it.......I've never had the urge since then :P


I couldn't go every week and do Commando rolls and shoot cans through the middle of a car tyre, it's not in my nature. Funny old game. My mother would look at me a bit old-fashioned if she caught me doing that :lol:

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B) :( :lol:


Just got back from town. It's all kicked orf :o



I couldn't go every week and do Commando rolls and shoot cans through the middle of a car tyre, it's not in my nature. Funny old game. My mother would look at me a bit old-fashioned if she caught me doing that :lol:


bet you a high capacity slugster you'd do it commando though :no:

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B) :( :lol:


Just got back from town. It's all kicked orf :lol:



I couldn't go every week and do Commando rolls and shoot cans through the middle of a car tyre, it's not in my nature. Funny old game. My mother would look at me a bit old-fashioned if she caught me doing that :lol:


bet you a high capacity slugster you'd do it commando though :no:


You don't mean with my winkey out? :o :o :o ??????

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I would try it. Might be fun, different style of shooting and so on. Would want targets a bit further away than in those videos though - if you missed the shot you could just kick them over.


Are there any clubs near / in South Yorkshire?



Edited by Maiden22
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Your entitled to your opinion but remember opinions are like A**holes everyone has one.


I am not forcing my sport onto anyone this thread was started by a guy who asked for information, I offered some & other people who thought they new what it was about chipped in, I am only concerned with portraying the correct information about the sport.


People who are only interested in trying to show miss information simply show how juvernile & ignorant they are of the sport & have clearly never tried it.


I have been a member of this forum for a long while & have found many people on it to be helpfull however there are always a few haters that think its clever to knock others.


I wont say I told you so when all guns are banned because we didn't support each other.



your a sensitive boy arnt you tommy ( to be said in a snatch voice) :no: B) :(

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You can try these clubs of which only Carlisle contribute to the UKPSA match circuit, the others will offer smaller club level shoots.


Guisboro Gun Club

Empire Shooting Sports Club

South West Lancs Pistol Club

Carlisle Small Arms Club

Blackburn Rifle & Pistol Club


I have nothing more to add here as it is clear that the perception of PSG is one of using cut down pump actions & talk of a tactical side to it, neither of which is in the slightest bit true, we have a great time and shoot many rounds in a day all very safely, im sure some of you think if you throw enough mud some of it will stick just because you are not interested in it, likewise we are not interested in people who cannot be serious around guns, some on here seem determined to get this thread closed but if the time wasters will leave it alone then perhaps it may be a usefull thread to those who have a real interest.



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Buckshot is shot against cardboard targets with marked scoring zones & requires that you know what load & choke combination will give you the hits on target that you need to score the most points.


Unlike F class rifle shooting we dont have all day to shoot a hand full of shots & need to add speed because time is a large part of the scoring system, the fastest misses of the day will not win anything, also the slowest all "A" s on a stage will equally not win, you also have to consider when & where you will do you reloading, the young lad on the video is clearly a beginer but he does nothing unsafe & is well aware of where his muzzle is pointing throughout the stage & I applaud him for that.



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That is brilliant. Practical and Tactical - with a captical P and T.


Cargo net, black special ops knit wear on the head, wrap around shades and special ops belt wear.




Proper sport :no:


Deadly serious for potentially deadly serious shipping conflicts / incidents / situations.




I am going to get some training in on the kids slide and early learning centre climbing frame. There could be a deadly serious incident that requires my deadly serious skills in the playground.




Someone has video'd themselves reloading in front of the mirror "Taxi Driver" stylee. Here the equipment, clothing and attitude is pure deadly seriousness and is pushing a strong 8 on the "tactical practical scale". Deadly serious and of course perfectly normal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvY-KRr7Thc&NR=1

Edited by Mungler
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That is brilliant. Practical and Tactical - with a captical P and T.


Cargo net, black special ops knit wear on the head, wrap around shades and special ops belt wear.




Proper sport :good:


Deadly serious for potentially deadly serious shipping conflicts / incidents / situations.




I am going to get some training in on the kids slide and early learning centre climbing frame. There could be a deadly serious incident that requires my deadly serious skills in the playground.




Someone has video'd themselves reloading in front of the mirror "Taxi Driver" stylee. Here the equipment, clothing and attitude is pure deadly seriousness and is pushing a strong 8 on the "tactical practical scale". Deadly serious and of course perfectly normal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvY-KRr7Thc&NR=1



*****, this just gets better and better, i had no idea that grown men could be such dweebs, and the daft **** even showed his face in the vid..... what a tool, if anyone see's this guy on a clay ground, it would be priceless.....


Neil on a serious note, where can i go and do some Tactical Practical Shooting?:P i would honestly love the opportunity to take the **** out of some numpty acting like that...... :lol:

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