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Lamping Equipment - Where Should I Start????


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Due to the introduction of a large polly tunnel in my garden, the local rabbit population has decided to take up residence next to it <_<


There are a few acres of land around this polly tunnel and i really need to reduce the damage the rabbits are doing. i have the rife, but what scope and lamping equipment would you keen hunters suggest?. Thanks for any help. The rifle will be a .22 S410 <_<

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Due to the introduction of a large polly tunnel in my garden, the local rabbit population has decided to take up residence next to it <_<


There are a few acres of land around this polly tunnel and i really need to reduce the damage the rabbits are doing. i have the rife, but what scope and lamping equipment would you keen hunters suggest?. Thanks for any help. The rifle will be a .22 S410 <_<


Depends on the distance you shooting and your budget. Scope wise, the bigger the objective lense the better , so as to let as much light as possible in, a 3-12x50 or similar should do. Lamps, I have a small logun lamp which does for me on one of my permissions, works well out to 45 yrds and about 25 with a filter on. Have a look through these ( http://www.wighillparkguns.co.uk/products/...ory.asp?cat=141 ) and decide what would suit your needs.



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Lamp wise you could go for a Logun with the filter kit, available second hand for around £50 or if you can stretch yourself a bit more and go for a Deben Mini Pro they are the dogs'


If you don't plan on buying the Deden I suggest you dont try it because it leaves the Logun in the dark so to speak.


Don't get me wrong I had a Logun before I got the mini pro and took plenty of bunnies with it, it's just that the Deben is alot better.


Scope wise just use what you have or are used to.


Good luck



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me and my 2 mates did a test with ower lamps i have a deben max i has a deben atom other had the logun


mine was the best by far but its a big lamp with a 400m beem although its got a dimmer switch on

then it was the atom great lamp for bunnies did a great job

then the logun well after about 30 yards it seemed rubbish and the guy was missing every thing and he was the only one with a pcp


deben all the way i would say

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Scope wise you want something that will let in as much light as possible. A larger objective lens and tube will also help this. I personally would look at the higher end of the market for scopes but these do come at a price. Fortunately, you don't need anything complicated so a fixed mag scope around 6-8 mag will be fine. This at least will keep the cost down.


Lamp wise, one thing you need to factor in to your decision is filters. Red, Amber, Green & Blue, they all effect the performance of the lamp. For example, a red filter will reduce the lamps efficiency by up to 60%. With this in mind you will want a lamp that can produce a beam well beyond your shooing distance. Having seen other lamps designed more for airgun use I opted for a Deben Max Pro. Its very light weight and casts a good beam. The Dimmer allows you to turn the beam virtually off but still get reflection from your targets eyes. The way I looked it at it was, if your going to spend good money on a small lamp, why not add a little and buy a lamp that will cover most shooting scenarios. Remember too, a longer beam will allow you to scan for targets of in the distance as well. Buy cheap buy twice.

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I really do not rate the logun gun lamp and recommend that you avoid it and spend your money elsewhere. I have found it to be little better than a low powered torch and with the filters, it is next to useless. Deben make some good lights which would suit the airifle well.

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