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yea you guys Cancun in Mexico, 2 wks all inclusive, everything was just great, went to one place got bit 53 times in 1 hour by mozzies! :lol: and i told my family they never bother me :thumbs: after the mozzies had a good suck of my blood they fell off ****** cos of all the alchohol in me :lol: the girl in the pic is my mrs :lol:

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sounds like a good holiday.. the mozzies will get always Drunk-Mozzies now. inbred.

that girl in the pick is #1 to small. #2 they are to small. #3 got a gf so wouldnt go for it.


you like big women then Aled? nice one! :thumbs: is that your GF on (save the whale) topic the one in the shower :lol: mind you aled i love all women :lol:

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Aled has got drunk off the smell of Guniess again. Beer googgles were in effect BIG TIME, and he went off and pulled a recently shawn ewe :thumbs:


Mind you, your wife is only two inches tall :lol:

That does have its advanteges though, you can stuff her in your bag when she starts a bitchin' :lol:

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aled n stag, she is actually 6ft 2ins tall! :lol: but like i say, i love all women, tall short ,fat ,thin, young, old, whatever,when ya not fussy sex is just around the corner :thumbs:

digga, I like ya style mate.


I was asking cos I was in Cancun myself in August, same as you We were there for 2 weeks all inclusive, you gotta love that lifestyle.


Scuba Diving, Deep Sea Fishing, Speed Boat Safari, Bars, Clubs, Swimming with Dolfins, All inclusive Food and Drink, and Hot Hot Women! What more could a bloke want!!! :lol:


I'll add a couple of pics if I can, :lol:

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aled n stag, she is actually 6ft 2ins tall!  :lol:  but like i say, i love all women, tall short ,fat ,thin, young, old, whatever,when ya not fussy sex is just around the corner :thumbs:

digga, I like ya style mate.


I was asking cos I was in Cancun myself in August, same as you We were there for 2 weeks all inclusive, you gotta love that lifestyle.


Scuba Diving, Deep Sea Fishing, Speed Boat Safari, Bars, Clubs, Swimming with Dolfins, All inclusive Food and Drink, and Hot Hot Women! What more could a bloke want!!! :lol:


I'll add a couple of pics if I can, :D

yea VD, it was great, done loads of stuff like you. We were by that bloody big mexican flag that ya can see from everywhere, also wherever we went there was iguanas in ya face :lol: love to see how my JRT would cope with one of them :P

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you mean this flag?

yea VD, thats the ******, we were abut 5 mins walk downtown from there, over the bridge, lagoon one side the sea the other, by the sky tower Costa Real hotel. when i get my head around this new digi cam we bought al post some pics. Im still recovering from it! :)

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