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Fac Condition 5


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I have just got my SGC and FAC today good going as it was sent in 25th June had my interview last week and its now here today.


(I am sure this has come up before but my wording is different in the posts I have looked at)



Condition 5

….…..rifles and sound moderator and ammunition to which this certificate relates shall be used for the shooting of vermin and for zeroing on land deemed suitable by the chief officer of police for the area where the land is situated and over which the holder has permission to shoot with that class of firearm from the person by whom shooting rights are owned or from whom they may be leased or otherwise obtained.




Ok is it open….or closed




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ok guys You say "closed"

meaning i can only shoot on land that i have given them...(which is two different farms ) and that land has been cleared already in the past

so meaning i can only shoot on this land and no other unless i get a permission document signed and sent in (as long as it cleared for the calibres right)

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Ok just my two Pennie's worth just because it's passed don't mean every part of the lands safe to shoot with the rifle .



So whats the bloody point , if they class you suitable to own a rifle then you should be safe enough to use a rifle if that makes sense .


Take care as you cannot do anything after the trigger is pulled :good:

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Thanks guys,

I shoot in hertfordshire and was also looking for some land in bedfordshire and you have answered the question,

Any new land to be added would need to be cleared/already cleared, then permission doc obtained and submitted.

it was just the wording on condition 5 that got me as i had seen others with different wording if this makes sense.


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I would say it is open, I have this on my cert and i applied for trophy stalking, this means i can go and use the rifle on anywhere that has been approved for that calibre as long as I have permission from the land owner or the owner of the shooting rights.


Edit - I can confirm it is open according to my FEO as i have just asked him, all firearms will have a condition stating that they can only be used on grounds deemed suitable by the C.C of the local force

Edited by gixer1
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I would say it is open, I have this on my cert and i applied for trophy stalking, this means i can go and use the rifle on anywhere that has been approved for that calibre as long as I have permission from the land owner or the owner of the shooting rights.


Edit - I can confirm it is open according to my FEO as i have just asked him, all firearms will have a condition stating that they can only be used on grounds deemed suitable by the C.C of the local force


Nope, it is most definitely closed.


I don't have my cert with me at work, but from what I remember the wording for an open cert is something like this...


….…..rifles and sound moderator and ammunition to which this certificate relates shall be used for the shooting of vermin and for zeroing on land over which the holder has permission to shoot with that class of firearm from the person by whom shooting rights are owned or from whom they may be leased or otherwise obtained.


i.e Nothing about Chief of police deeming it suitable.

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Not sure if it differs in scotland to england but any land that a firearm is to be used on must be ok'd by the police force at some time, not specifically for each person but for the calibre.


And I can certainly trophy stalk anywhere ok'd by the land owner/permission owner and my cert also has this condition.

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Not sure if it differs in scotland to england but any land that a firearm is to be used on must be ok'd by the police force at some time, not specifically for each person but for the calibre.


What your FEO has told you simply isn't true I'm afraid. An 'open' certificate or, as the police prefer to call it, a 'less restrictive certificate' has no mention of the Chief Constable, hence allowing the certificate holder to decide for themselves whether the land they are to shoot on is suitable.


From what I have read Scottish police forces tend to be more accommodating when giving out open certificates so I am confused at your FEO's response!

Edited by alexm
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Open ticket

On an open ticket the following wording is used ,,, land over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot



Non Open Ticket

On an Non open ticket the following wording is used ,,,Land deemed suitable by the Chief officer of Police for the area where the land is situated and over which the Holder has Lawful Authority to Shoot.


simple enough even the thick should be able to understand that?

cheers KW

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Its closed,

In simple terms,I can shoot on land that i have permission to shoot on/over as long as i obtain written permission and forward a copy to my local Firearms licensing HQ

As long as this land has been cleared for the calibres i have.



Thanks for all the replies i thought it was interesting the way it has been written

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