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Decoyed Fox........

Evil Elvis

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:good: I was out with Jerico and Bionicle decoying today, we had a pattern of about 2 deeks + bouncers out(with dead piggs on) We were using rolls of straw to hide behind, when all of a sudden a fox came bounding out of no-where, i ran accross to a closer bale of straw without being seen, Bionicle and jerico stayed behind the other 3. I looked accross and they both had thier guns aimed at it, I shouted to Bionicle to let Jerico have it as he had never shot a fox, i wasnt sure if they heard me as it was windy....then the fox got to the deeks and realised they were plastic and looked straight at us...DOH!! At this point I wasnt sure if Jerico had heard me so i fired, 100th of a second AFTER he did.....the fox bowled over and didnt twitch. Jerico had a 3/4 choke and i had an extra full...and even with 32g no6 there was a lot of damage to the chest and neck...Instant drop at 38 yards.




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