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Were women meant to drive


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Again Typical male expects us to read his mind!!

I'm really sorry, there has been a complete misunderstanding here, I do apologise huntinlass, I've just noticed that you are from Norfolk, I had assumed that you were talking about cars, not horse and carts. How much are you paying for fuel up there? Hay is about two quid a bale down here in civilisation.

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They count like that so it makes some men look like they last longer in bed

2mins become 20.





Ah ******, has Bob been spying on me again or are you counting your varicose veins...."one stroke, two stroke three stroke four...." :yp:

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He sends essex mafia reprobates, i send the ****** with their horse and carts

Priceless, a woman with a sense of humour, who can dish out a laugh and take one back, a very rare commodity.

A tad belated, but welcome to the forum huntinlass.

I should warn you that maiden22 is a fella, he just has a few things to get sorted.....

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