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Cost of cartridges

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Lets be honest guys cartridges are still cheap in real terms. When I started shooting in the late 1960s a box of Eley Impax was 19 shillings - 95 pence in todays money. I was working in a shop for £5.00 a week so one box of shells was just under 20% of my weeks wage. If you are spending £5 a box today thats still only 2.5% of an average guys take home pay packet of around £200. So in real terms cartridges are 17.5% cheaper than 40 years ago.

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Lets be honest guys cartridges are still cheap in real terms. When I started shooting in the late 1960s a box of Eley Impax was 19 shillings - 95 pence in todays money. I was working in a shop for £5.00 a week so one box of shells was just under 20% of my weeks wage. If you are spending £5 a box today thats still only 2.5% of an average guys take home pay packet of around £200. So in real terms cartridges are 17.5% cheaper than 40 years ago.

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Lets be honest guys cartridges are still cheap in real terms. When I started shooting in the late 1960s a box of Eley Impax was 19 shillings - 95 pence in todays money. I was working in a shop for £5.00 a week so one box of shells was just under 20% of my weeks wage. If you are spending £5 a box today thats still only 2.5% of an average guys take home pay packet of around £200. So in real terms cartridges are 17.5% cheaper than 40 years ago.


I remember those days too. I worked on a Saturday job in shop and was paid One pound ten shillings or £1.50 in today's money.


The real comparison though anser2 is in what these things cost in the United States. We pay at least double what they do for many gun related products. Deals with single importing companies who become the UK single source, allow massive uncompetitive ripoff. The fact that we may have paid even more than twice the real cost in the past does not mean that today's prices are good value by world standards. UK consumers are often cheated by retailers who price American made products as dollar for pound. You can buy Levi jeans in New York for a tenner that retail here at five times the price. Same issue with European cars as we all know. If you buy your Audi or VW in Germany you can save 25% so it seems.


It is time we buyers rose up and stopped the cynical exploitation that has been going on here for more than a generation. We must be stupid to have allowed it for so long.

Edited by Evilv
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