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Another New B.....Be gentle


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Hi guys, oh and girls (politically correct)!


Just joined and just took me around 3 hours to read all the posts ha!


you all seem so friendly and willing to share which is great!


just got my first real rifle (BSA lightning) before this i was the sad owner of a B2 (Chinese) .22.......and well it was simular to a stud gun!


Just trying to get my first permission which is proving to be the hardest thing since my degree........i think i might have to resort to a bottle of whisky to each farmer till i strike lucky!


well theres my little rant over with.............thanks for listening


Kind regards


PLEASE NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if anyone got the wrong idea i am not looking for free permission but some advise where i could shoot live quarry.................[/b]


Edited by studlee
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Hi guys, oh and girls (politically correct)!


Just joined and just took me around 3 hours to read all the posts ha!


you all seem so friendly and willing to share which is great!


just got my first real rifle (BSA lightning) before this i was the sad owner of a B2 (Chinese) .22.......and well it was simular to a stud gun!


Just trying to get my first permission which is proving to be the hardest thing since my degree........i think i might have to resort to a bottle of whisky to each farmer till i strike lucky!


well theres my little rant over with.............thanks for listening


Kind regards



Stud gun or should thatt be a SPUD gun :-)


Welcome to PW.



Edited by MGMan
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HAHAHa thanks guys spud gun! thats spud gun!


So living in a city i would think getting permission would be quite hard! but there is much land just outside, how would you experienced guys go about getting that all important piece of land?


Ha STUD gun sorry just the excitement i think!

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To get permission you need to look respectable, sound respectable and have decent social skills.


That said, find out the names of farmers by looking them up in the phone book or from local intelligence, and go around in the evening and see them. It is also helpful if you can do some reconnaissance and target your efforts on farms that have a problem such as rabbits or pigeons. At this time of year, rabbits are a menace and many farmers will be glad to have a respectable lad doing something about their pests. Try not to look too green, and don't be cocky either.


It is much harder to find permission near to large centers of population because farmers get a lot of ruffians turning up asking to shoot so they have an instant hostility to yet another stranger wanting to go around their property with a gun. You may well do better if you try further from the cities.


Good luck.

Edited by Evilv
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Thank you


Great advice! It just given that break to prove yourself and do eliminate the problems that all farmers have!


Ill let you know how i get on and hopefully follow with pictures! :@P


Time to get out my best suit now...........ha

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Thank you


Great advice! It just given that break to prove yourself and do eliminate the problems that all farmers have


Ill let you know how i get on and hopefully follow with pictures! :@P


Time to get out my best suit now...........ha


I know you're joking about the suit, but just in case of doubt, I just mean look clean and tidy and presentable. It really helps if you've done your homework and you turn up and say something like, 'Hello, is it possible to speak to Mr Macdonald?' rather than, 'Can I speak to the farmer?' or 'Is the farmer in?' Even if you do everything right, don't be discouraged over knock backs. When I was starting out in shooting thirty odd years ago, I had to drive half way around the county and call at what seemed like dozens of farms before I found anything half way decent to shoot over, before long though I had more shooting than I could reaslistically get around.

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Thank you


Great advice! It just given that break to prove yourself and do eliminate the problems that all farmers have


Ill let you know how i get on and hopefully follow with pictures! :@P


Time to get out my best suit now...........ha


I know you're joking about the suit, but just in case of doubt, I just mean look clean and tidy and presentable. It really helps if you've done your homework and you turn up and say something like, 'Hello, is it possible to speak to Mr Macdonald?' rather than, 'Can I speak to the farmer?' or 'Is the farmer in?' Even if you do everything right, don't be discouraged over knock backs. When I was starting out in shooting thirty odd years ago, I had to drive half way around the county and call at what seemed like dozens of farms before I found anything half way decent to shoot over, before long though I had more shooting than I could reaslistically get around.





indeed it was a joke but thanks for the clarity :@P




When i first ventured out of the back garden from target shooting i did not think it would be as hard!


But ill pack a few cold drinks and sandwiches and lets see if i can get my first bit of land!


on a note i wish i did not have to say..........one of you guys mentioned that it took almost a year to get permission but now i know why there are so many individuals that shoot on land without permission. With it been so hard this can only get worst. Its shocking as this only gives a bad name to honest and reliable shooters like 'Our goodselves'




Grrrrrrrrr there is suppose to be 3 shooters to ever piece of land (i DID just make this up BUT its how it tends to feel) ahahahahaha

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