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took advise

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i did try its accuracy for the short range of 40 yards and you are wrong it was spot on ?

In that case I suggest that you patent the idea and sell it to one of the big manufacturers, you have succeeded where they have failed for years, since 1857 in fact. I doff my cap to your superior knowledge over the research and developement departments of Remington, Winchester, Federal CCI, etc. etc. I await with baited breath to see your bullets on the market. :yes:

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i could never be a smart **** ,to thick for that ,but honestly mate,dont mess with ammo,it ll kil good enough as it is,if it dont get a bigger rifle,or dont kill it,you could allways trap it and shoot at point blank range. not trying to upset,or wind you up mate,just dont want to read about you in paper :yes:

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In the southern US, squirrel hunting is very popular. A few people/companies have created little gadgets that are designed to make a 22LR solid into the point of our choice. In the US there has never been as much choice in 22LR ammo that there is today. So, guys would take standard loads and shape the soft lead heads to their desired shape. Some would turn low speed solids into HP, some would flatten a solid to be more like a wadcutter. The point was to give good mushrooming without exploding the bullet so that you didn't waste any meat.


Also, Winchester did a similar type of ammo around 1988-1992. It was a handgun bullet designed or maximum expansion called the black talon. It had 6 cuts across the top of a normal hollow point bullet. After some really bad press and a US supreme court case that singled them out, Winchester pulled them from the market and later replaced it with a similar design under a different name. Not sure how much the cuts across the top helped expansion, but I can't think that it hurt it since it was starting the process that a HP does on its own anyway.




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i have tried to explain to a few a bigger rifle a shotgun where not a option .and yes a fox trap was first option but customer wanted a quick result was not pateint enough to wait for a trapt fox .as stated i tried what i thought was good advise from a respect gunner on here when he mentionend cross cuts in bullit heads i didnt see this sort of reaction .. [one last time it was something i read on here and tried ] and it worked fine thanks peter

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