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Bleeding heart liberals and do gooders what have they done .


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I know who I am voting for in the next election, the BNP. I think the government needs to look after its own people that they work for. Give more support to our boys in Iraq and Afganistan.


Im sorry but I have had enough off coming second best to people who come from halfway across the world just to come to here and say they being persecuted in there own country, why this country and not the neighboring country? They demand they want this and that which they mostly get, but if we went to there country we will ignored and put in prison.


Im proud to be(was) British and accept a reasonable amount of people coming in from other countries but this government is just packing us full and its gonna go pop one day, Darling says he got no more money to spend thats because its all in Poland and other countries.


All I want is to let immigrants know that they have to adapt to this country and that we should support our soldiers, and stop the benifits that attracts the unwanted immigrants.



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Evilv .

I am glad that you were able to spend a couple of weeks in magistrates courts watching the due process of law . I spent 25 years in at the deep end with these people and know what they are capable of . The majority of people in prison are mainly inadequets and are in prison because there is no alternative . The remainder are full time professional criminals who will do any thing to beat the system ,and i mean any thing .

I dont doubt that innocent people have been convicted of crimes but it is very rare . The system that we have is the best in the world and has been copied by many other nations . All i am saying is that we should respect the system and give it our full support and do away with all the left wing propogander that has tipped the balance in favour of the evil people who will rape , murder , blow us up and rob us while we sleep .

If we want this system to work then we must be prepared to accept the fact that on the rare occation an innocent person may be convicted . What we can do without is the bleeding heart liberals knocking the system all time . By the way did you know that there is no appeal against a guilty plea and thats the main reason for a not guilty plea at crown court . Harnser .


Thanks for your thoughts Harnser.


I totally agree that we can not allow evil filth to overwhelm our streets and byways and that we need protection from bombers, perverts, maniacs and street robbers. There is nothing I would like more than to put them all in dungeons, actually - you know, we've all seen the engravings of medieval prisons with the scum of the earth hanging in chains in their own filth. You have me down as a bleeding heart - read my words on this and on the transformation of our nation by uncontrolled immigration of people who don't have any wish or intention to become British. I'm as right wing as sanity allows and then some. But I won't shrug and accept that some people will go to jail who are innocent - no sir, and why should I settle for such a lazy, half ars ed solution as that. That's the lazy cops way out, and the lazy judge too, 'Ah - some people will have to pay who are innocent so we don't get people questioning the system. It reminds me of Lord Dennings shocking remarks at the time of the release of some of the Irish so called bombers. It is certain that they were beaten and abused in custody. It is certain that they should not have been convicted because there is a high probability that they committed no crime except to be ignorant and Irish. The so called scientific evidence which was all there was against them later besides forced confessions was revealed to be sh ite. So what did Denning say? he said, 'It would be better that these men had been hanged than that they were released to cast doubt upon our system of justice.' That is not a direct quote - it is to the best of my recollection what he said about twenty five years ago. It is the most disgusting betrayal of what he should have been protecting - Justice. How is it better for the innocent to be sacrificed rather than shake the confidence the public has in a system with flaws? The people of this country deserve all the protections you have mentioned and more, BUT they deserve that the system of justice does what it says it will do - what is has been written into the heart of the law since 1215 - that a man is innocent until he is proven guilty, not until it is convenient to fit him up, or until the needs of inspiring confidence dictate that scape goats be found and paraded to the satisfaction of a mob. The system should be better and some insiders can't see that.

Edited by Evilv
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Elviv, I cant think of one child molester whos been wrongfully convicted, DNA testing makes proof of sex ofenders almost absolute hence my suport of castration.


I do however agree with you regards the death penalty.


I will give you an insight that I know of personally,I used to work with the guy! I will even give you his name if you like?

good bloke remarried into a ready built family, then the bombshell about a year later one of the kids ( girl) phones the eshter ransid child line, accusing said bloke of interfering with her etc, ends up lad does 3 years,lost his job etc, when out could no longer live in his home town etc etc, kid grows up abit and admits that she made it all up as she did not want a replacement dad, to her credit his wife stuck by him all through, even pleaded he did not do such things, but the experts, and we have a few on here, who know the ******* lot, got him put away?


oh and do a search on marrietta higgs or dr whyat from middlesborough and the debacle of the abused kids whole families split up, divorces, suicides the lot,? why simple they said hundreds of kids were being abused, basically every time a kid went to hospital they stuck a finger up the kids back passage and measured the time to close up,if it was a bit slow the father was a child molester and arrested, it turned out to be a load of ********, but to late damage done!.


oh and the two ) ****S simply got moved and are still practising child medicine.

hence harnsers I worked with them they are all the same remark is the view of a biggot.



cheers KW

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Kdubya ,

Before any body can be prosecuted in court there has to be a certain level of evidence as you will proberbly know . A judge will look at the evidence pre trial and decide if the evidence is good enough to put to a jury . The evidence will have been collected by the police as witness statements . If the judge thinks that there is a case to answer he will put the case before a jury . The case then goes to the crown court and the defendant is tried by a jury of his peers . It is the juries job to decide on the evidence presented as to the guilt of the accused .Nobody else has a say in the proceedings of the finding of the guilt or the innocents of the accused . The jury will have decided on the verdict by listening to the witnesses and judging how they come across giving their evidence . Now if witnesses are lying and giving false evidence and have managed to get the jury to believe them ,then yes an innocent person can be convicted of a crime that they did not commit .So how do you safe guard against this ,i dont know ,certinly not by ,not prosecuting any body in case an innocent person is convicted . As to being a biggot absolutely not , a hard nosed realist and patriot . yes . Harnser .

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Kdubya ,

Before any body can be prosecuted in court there has to be a certain level of evidence as you will proberbly know . A judge will look at the evidence pre trial and decide if the evidence is good enough to put to a jury . The evidence will have been collected by the police as witness statements . If the judge thinks that there is a case to answer he will put the case before a jury . The case then goes to the crown court and the defendant is tried by a jury of his peers . It is the juries job to decide on the evidence presented as to the guilt of the accused .Nobody else has a say in the proceedings of the finding of the guilt or the innocents of the accused . The jury will have decided on the verdict by listening to the witnesses and judging how they come across giving their evidence . Now if witnesses are lying and giving false evidence and have managed to get the jury to believe them ,then yes an innocent person can be convicted of a crime that they did not commit .So how do you safe guard against this ,i dont know ,certinly not by ,not prosecuting any body in case an innocent person is convicted . As to being a biggot absolutely not , a hard nosed realist and patriot . yes . Harnser .


But you know as well as we do that half of the effect on the jury depends upon the acting skills of the barrister. Put up against a skilled prosecutor, half the men and women in this country will get flustered, panic, and look as guilty as hell. You know this, I know this and it is one of the fundamental flaws of the system that you are so confident in. Also, although I have a lot of faith in the common sense of ordinary men and women, we all know men and women with none at all and they get through as often as the more sensible and sit on juries. Tough luck if you are being assessed by some dork who would rather be listening to her ipod, or playing hangman as was spotted in two recent trials. What isn't spotted is silent, idle inattention, and it is happening all the time.


I don't like the French that much, being a bit of an ar se myself in these matters, but they and most Europeans have a different system that I think could more easily get to the truth. Instead of having he confrontation between sides like we do in our adversarial system, their trials are an enquiry where the judge steers the investigation and questions the witnesses himself. The reason I have a sympathy with this is that the search is for the TRUTH and not to WIN which lies at the root of a British or American trial. In ours, the prosecutors job is to paint the accused and the evidence as black as he can, whereas the defence does the exact opposite. If you have a less than stunning brief, or worse still, represent yourself, you are in BIG trouble here. In Europe, the motives of all parties are to find the truth and not to win any kind of a battle. They also have a panel of assessor judges and also one of ordinary people who act as two juries with vote each. You are found guilty if 75% of the assessors think you are.


I note KDubya's remarks about false accusations in sex crime cases and subsequent convictions. They are good examples and I would only add those of the so called Ritual Abuse that was supposed to be going on in the Orkneys where incomers were singled out and accused of satanic sexual abuse. I saw those 'victim' kids now grown up describing how they were questioned for hours and no one would listen to them, but the social workers just went prattling on about them being in denial. The social workers had all been to some seminar by a lunatic American fundamentalist who was convinced that Satan was directing evil people to sexualise and abuse children for his greater glory. Original accusations came from a couple of scottish kids, but they were more or less coached into a horror story by people who thought there was no smoke without fire. The accusers were never thought to be victims themselves, they just told some weird tale about seeing something going on over the hill from far away. The programme interviewed the key witnesses for the prosecution who still believed that satanic abuse was going on, even though the now adult 'victims' denied it absolutely. Fortunately these cases didn't get to trial, but they did elsewhere.


Ritual Sexual Abuse fiasco


Right - rabbits are waiting to be the victims of my hate crimes - I'm off to see to a new property I just got.

Edited by Evilv
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