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Pike fishing in Ireland


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Have been keeping ourselves entertained with the light gear and mini lures. A couple jacks and some perch. I want to get connected to one of the bigger pike tho but cant decide on legered deadbait on the bite alarm or floatfished deadbait.Am fishing the Shannon at Killaloe.Massive river,deep and weedy. Bit bigger than I am used to. Cheers for any ideas! Will pick up any posts this time Monday as am using the library <_<

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I pike fished in Galway a few years ago & can vouch for both the sink & draw method and ledgered deadbait. Always worth asking the locals and tapping into the local knowledge too, they were very friendly and exceptionally helpful in telling us where the hotspots were to be found :good:<_<

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Not supposed to livebait in Ireland. While I have fished over there we found the pike seemed to follow large shoals round (a bit like Lions following migrating Wildebeast) We Piked either side of a bunch of fellas piling groundbait in for the Roach and Bream. Good Luck :good:

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I try to avoid any kind of weight at all times if I can, a good sea fish bait will hold in fairly fast water free lined if you can find a hole or leadge by plumbing, This is more natural and they should move about a bit in the current like a dead fish, or even pop it onto weed they will lay up in the stuff or under it due to bait fish, hit anything early as you can if the bait is moving its in the Jaws!


good luck Jealous of Suffolk

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Well with a weeks worth of rain,the Shannon was clear but racing through.Even with 5 SSG the deadbait was downriver in no time so went back to the lures.Best one was a sinking Shad Rap in perch looking colours which got me a perch of nearly 2lb plus other perch and pike not a great deal bigger than the lure.Thanks for all advice :lol:

Edited by vole21
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