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New Cases

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I've just bought some new 308 cases to load. I did a batch of 10 and tried them in my rifle to see if they were okay. When closing the bolt, there was slight resistance. My RFD who sold me the cases said that its okay, and there is no need to do anything to new cases before loading them.

What's your opinion?




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As Radio1ham says, the only thing that needs doing, and is essential to safety, is checking case length. Anything else that you do to new cases really depends upon what you intend to shoot, benchrest, target or deer.

Reaming and de-burring flash-holes and neck turning for example, are a waste of time when you are talking about 1/4 minute of deer, rather than 1/4 minute of angle.

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Slight resistance? On pushing the bolt forward? or closing it down? The latter is normal.


Check the COL after you put the bullet in, it sounds like you could be hitting the rifling ?


Have you tried chambering an empty un-resized case witout a bullet?


My new cases were an easy loose fit, hence the need to fire form them and then just neck resize.

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I've had the odd factory load feel a bit tight when the bolt is closed down. If I go to chamber a round and find that when I slide the bolt forward, it feels tight, then I will not use that round.

All of my reloads are tested (safely) by chambering them. Those that don't 'pass the test' get pulled and reloaded.

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