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Corner of a field, waiting for fox


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I intended to go to two separate areas, but due to dog walkers & metal detectors decided to look elsewhere and I'm glad that I did :lol:


A small tucked away area, not been here for months but with harvest underway worth a sit up at last light


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Just in the corner of the field with a great view (and backstops) all around and a nice thick hedge to hide my outline.


I plotted up around 7:30pm with plenty of time to let the light fade and the night shift to start around me, hares were hopping, but they were not on the menu, it's foxy I'm after.


Then at 8:00pm (still really light) a fox sneaks up just 10 yards to my right and behind I catch his movement in the corner of my eye and as I glance his way he freezes and then runs back. No chance to get a shot as he's straight into thick cover. Promising though for them to be moving nice and early.


Lots of scanning with the bins and a few rabbits around, the light is fading fast post-158-1219184952.jpg

that light object in the centre of the photo is the moon, it was a stunning sight (bright red with all around getting grey with rain clounds and the fading light).


Then a fox appears 100+ yards out if front with a fair trot on him, he's coming my way so I keep quiet - he's at a difficult angle for a roof shot so I move to the bonnet - he's still trotting in at a fair pace, he is tricky to track with the 8x scope, at 40 odd yards I need him to stop so give a really faint squeek :blush: he hears that turns tail and runs like the wind :hmm:


Lucky for me he stops back just over 100 yards away where I first spotted him - POP, he's down. No lamp so that was it, a nice evening out.





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Good account and great result! ;)



a fox sneaks up just 10 yards to my right and behind I catch his movement in the corner of my eye and as I glance his way he freezes and then runs back. No chance to get a shot as he's straight into thick cover.

This is how the foxes are on my patch. I have been in a 'fox stand off' several times now... fox right under my nose but I'm facing the wrong way, or the gun isn't loaded or a dozen other ridiculous reasons... we just stare at each other for a split second... I know the instant I try and get an aim on him he'll just zip into the cover which is all around! :good:

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Good write up and pics... I was there lol,


but next time could you remain calm enough to provide pics of the fox actually being called up and approaching your position?


Only joking I couldnt do it and shoot, the old ticker goes into overdrive everytime.


:good: D2D

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