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200m rabbit in perfect conditions with my HMR.

73m headshot with the lamp using my FAC Rapid.

A 60m headshot rabbit (from the field target position) with my Air Arms S400 .177 (non-FAC) at 4.00am with mist and absolutely no wind using and the lamp.

Yesterday - my first triple pigeon over decoys and all perfect hits, including the last which was a fast overhead shot.


Memories......................... :good:

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A shot that was never taken. In the darkness i had walked out a couple of miles onto the mudflats and hid in a small creek to wait for the geese to leave their roost across the estuary. But as the dawn came up i found the geese had moved and i was sitting in the middle of 10,000 pink feet geese. The nearest were only a couple of yards away. I could have reached up and caught some by the paddles. When they lifted a huge wave of solid geese rose from all sides deafening me. For a moment I lined up the barrels into the middle of the pack...........I still wonder how many geese would have fallen to two barrels. But I just watched them go an incredable sight no shot could replace.


Mind you at sunrise more geese started to flight from their propper roost a trio of high right and lefts for six shots finnished the flight off nicely. Its funny i cant remember the successful shots , but the vision of 20,000 wings beating over my head in etched in my memory for ever.

Edited by anser2
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Similar story about the shot that was never taken........... My wife and i were out stalking for a Roe Buck one evening a couple of years ago not far from our home town. We were lying down in a wood watching down the side of a den which the farmer uses for dumbing old potatos and grain chaff.

I have always told my wife that if she see's anything not to move a muscle, So all i could hear is ppssssttt, ppppssstttt. As i looked round a young spicker yearling buck had his head down sniffing my wifes hair, Which was only about 2/3 yards from my face, He then trotted off a further 20 yards then stopped. My wife then whispered to me " Shoot it then" But as the whole experience was so spectular i decided to let him live another day.


The experience was so memorable my wife still speaks about it yet. :good:

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A shot that was taken, sitting under a tree while waiting for the pigeons to come in to roost,with my AA s400 about november last year,just as the sun was setting there was a the helpless cry of a rabbit being savaged.Would never of guessed that it was a pack of magpies attacking this rabbit about 45 yards away, with a .22 , no it wasnt the magpies i went straight for the rabbit .Put it out of its misery and luckly for me the magpies didnt even flinch,until i shot 2 of there buddies :good: then started going daft so a managed to get another 4 , so now if i ever get the chance to shoot a rabbit or a magpie its always going to be the magpie,mainly because of the damage they do.

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After a quiet night shooting, nothing in the bag and about to pack up for home, a single crow flew over around 80 - 100 yards high (actually dont know if it was that high but was deffinatly out of the 50 yard kill distance), so i decided a pot shot was in order, escort semi auto full choke + D+J No 6 36grm = one very dead crow.


Really wasnt expecting to hit it and it seemed to take ages for the shot to get to the bird.

Edited by Ice
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