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C-Lect Chokes


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What's the general feeling with these C-Lect chokes that make an appearance on Mossbergs etc. I can see the theory that it could come in handy but they look pretty big, is it an issue when actually shooting? Are they reliable or just a gimmick and liable to fall apart?


Your thoughts are more than welcome gents.

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The old winchester and a few other pumps and semis use to use these, I think they are a bit of a gimmick but they do seem to last the test of time. I suppose they are easy to change chokes if you are that way inclined.


I can't see them any more distracting than any thing else that you want to hang of your barrels (easyhit etc) after all if you see your barrels you'll miss anyway.

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What's the general feeling with these C-Lect chokes that make an appearance on Mossbergs etc. I can see the theory that it could come in handy but they look pretty big, is it an issue when actually shooting? Are they reliable or just a gimmick and liable to fall apart?


Your thoughts are more than welcome gents.



I have had two of these one a franchi sect1 semi and another on a mossy sect1 pump, when out pigeon shooting they are very useful in as much that you can tighten the pattern or go down to imp cyl in a split second as birds approach the hide, they have never "fallen apart" I dont know where that comes from?


:rolleyes: D2D

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Ignore the fall apart thing, that was just me, as i don't know how they are made up i assumed that were parts that could potentially break.


Anyway, seems that they are not a bad thing. Got a Mossberg 500 with this choke c-lect thingy that i'm going to make an offer on.

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  • 3 years later...

Sorry to drag an old thread up but I noticed that pumpitup sold one of these to ciderboy.

I would like to know how the C-Lect is fastened/fitted onto the end of the barrel.

Is it screwed and Loctited in or brazed? I have one on my Mossberg and was just curious as while the barrel lug is visably "brazed" onto the barrel, the choke shows no signs of being heated up.


Thanks for any useful reply

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Most of them were screwed on, the thread is extremely fine. I have one on a rem 1100 skeet gun with Cutts Compensator and it is quite useful though you have to experiment to get the best settings. This may not be true for non compensator guns as the velocity of the shot with mine must be less than these as the barrel is effectively just over 20 inches with a big lump of well ventilated muzzle brake up front.

Anyone who has heard one of these guns with a compensator will let you know how loud the damn thing is, OK I was just a kid when I bought it in 65.

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I had a High Standard semi that was made in early 1960's - it had a selecta choke and Cutt's on it - worked fine but as Drone said - Boy was it noisey - if anyone stood to side they got a blast of gas from cutt's.



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