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Do you think this would help the recession


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Do you think that the recession in the UK could be helped if our very brave troops both men and women were pulled out of all over seas conflicts, I have given this some thought and I would not like to estimate how much these bloody wars are costing us a nation, I think we should start putting our own house in order before we carry on over seas. What are your thoughts.

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Do you think that the recession in the UK could be helped if our very brave troops both men and women were pulled out of all over seas conflicts, I have given this some thought and I would not like to estimate how much these bloody wars are costing us a nation, I think we should start putting our own house in order before we carry on over seas. What are your thoughts.


i also think that going on benifits would help me out through this tough time the goverment are going to help them pay for there gas and electric bills through the cold winter ( lucky them )


I might start a new group WORKERS FOR JUSTICE :lol:

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The benefit system in this country was set up for the needy, it does get exploited but if it were me in charge, it would have to be the elderly who are the people who need the benefits the most, then it would have to be single parents and families on low income, we should stop being so politically correct by leaving one man and his dog enter our country, as it's clear we can't sustain it all.

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And also more than £50 million is put into Europe everyday to pay for eastern Europeans train stations when infact they dont need them there as most of there people are here.


Instead of Politicians buying second houses in London to stay one night a week why dont they build a hotel for them?


Anyone think we will be joining the Euro in the near future?



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What about all the people in prison?

Do we put them to work, cleaning and repairing the roadsides, cleaning up the country side etc?


They stay in cosy prisons, doing more drugs than they did on the outside, totally non productive :P

This goverment are a bunch of weak minded fools, lead by media pressure.

Brown should chuck it in, who voted him in anyway....not me!

I could really get on a box about these sort of issues, but alas, I have to go to work......and my blood pressure :good:



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No I don't think it would help the recession, though we should be out of Iraq and quickly. We should never have been in there. Afghanistan is a different matter.


The recession is caused by a few things which are nothing o do with the government paying for wars:


  • rocketing oil prices and their impact on food and most other things. Food has a huge oil input from fertiliser, tractor work and transport
  • the credit crunch brought on by banks over lending and investing hundreds of billions in buying American bad debt


In the end, the whole recession including oil price hikes is derived from the American Mortgage Crisis. It works like this:


American and European banks realise they have invested hundreds of billions in an overblown and worthless housing market with massive bad debts. The prices of American homes crash. The wave of horrible realisation that we paid too much and that the banks have invested in garbage loans abroad comes over here. NR collapses as no bank will lend money for hosuing anymore and they can't service their loans to other banks as they come due. All mortgage products in the UK dry up almost overnight. House sales stop, prices start to fall, people panic and stop buying consumer goods and having work done on their houses. They can't finance this if they want as there are no mortgages.


Meanwhile - all the vast billions of money in the banks has to go somewhere, so it is invested in the commodity markets. With so much money chasing somewhere to go and make a buck, the price of commodities is bid higher and higher, just like would happen if you had five buyers trying to get your house. So oil rises and rises to a record price and so do other commodities like copper.


Result. People have no money because they can't borrow. They lose confidence and won't spend what they have in the bank. Banks themselves are busy bidding ever more money for oil cargoes that they hope to sell for yet more before they are delivered. oil goes up, food goes up, everything goes up. Manufacturing lays off workers, building lays off workers - YAYYYYYY a recession all caused by the American sub prime scam and banks inept investments.


Here endeth the lesson on recession.

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The benefit system in this country was set up for the needy, it does get exploited but if it were me in charge, it would have to be the elderly who are the people who need the benefits the most, then it would have to be single parents and families on low income, we should stop being so politically correct by leaving one man and his dog enter our country, as it's clear we can't sustain it all.


The comical thing is that we had all these idle unemployed here for years and suddenly, a million Poles and countless Czechs and other Eastern Europeans came here and got the jobs the native idlers couldn't get for some reason. This suggests to me that the benefit system designed for the needy has become an easy touch for the idle as well. Of course, everybody knew that already.

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Anyone think we will be joining the Euro in the near future?




Part of me believes in some crazy government plan to devalue sterling to the point of €1 = £1. Then the argument for joining the euro and giving up more independence to Brussels will gather pace. But I will not go into that any further :good: :good:

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The benefit system in this country was set up for the needy, it does get exploited but if it were me in charge, it would have to be the elderly who are the people who need the benefits the most, then it would have to be single parents and families on low income, we should stop being so politically correct by leaving one man and his dog enter our country, as it's clear we can't sustain it all.


The comical thing is that we had all these idle unemployed here for years and suddenly, a million Poles and countless Czechs and other Eastern Europeans came here and got the jobs the native idlers couldn't get for some reason. This suggests to me that the benefit system designed for the needy has become an easy touch for the idle as well. Of course, everybody knew that already.


Well said mate ,and the teens smoking weed and talking like subnormals(yer man i tell ya) with attude my misses tells me to calm down when i see them

but thats the future ! :stupid:

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