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CZ 452 Jamming!!


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i have been having trouble also with live cci and winchester rounds through my cz.

have now fired around 300+ rounds through it but certain types just wont extract.

so whilst talking to gun shop earlier about some new extracor claw he was saying that most of the problems where that cz made a dodgy batch of 'c' clips which go over the extractor claws and hold them in place. he said that alot of the 'c' clips that cz made wernt quite the right shape which made them fit slack so there wasn't enough pressure on the extractor to hold the bullet to pull it out of the barrel. if any of that makes sence lol.


i am taking my bolt in so they can have a look at it and probably change the c clip so if that works will let you know.

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hi there advice from a gun smith, Thats me! usally cz's are perfect nockaround guns with very little problems, i have one my self. the ammo you use should not be an issue as they all have to be the same size give or take a few hundreds of a mil. it does seem like the extractors are falling a little short, when you eject a cartridge which has been fired it does not have the lead bullet to hold it back. however if the lead is still in place it is usally forced some way into the rifling/chamber making the extractor work harder if the edge of the extractor has worn or just not machined the correct angle it will result in the problem you are having.........or the chamber is to sort and the lead is ramed hard into the rifleing, again making the extractor work harder. this can be an easy job to rectify but you do need the correct tools or you will scrap the gun... hope this has helped...





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well had the 'c' clip replaced and it works a treat i tried all the bullets that wouldnt work or cycle as a live round and it has completely sorted the problem it was also the cheapest thing to try as i didnt pay a penny so its worth a try first guys before you start tampering with filing and messing about with the barrel etc.



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i took it to me gun shop they tested it and saw it wasn't extracting the bullets so the shop owner swapped the clip over in 1 min then tested it again and it worked fine.

it is such a simple job to do it take no time at all. you could do it yourself a piece of cake. you will see on the bolt the c clip that goes over the extractor claws it just pulls off then you push another one in its place.

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