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ive screwed my phone


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just got back to my room after having a few social ones with some mates, to find that ive completely screwed my phone over. there is a huge crack in the bottom corner, spreading up across the whole screen.

i dont have insurance with o2, but dad has home insurance, which covers everything in the house im guessing.

how do i go about getting a replacment, through the insurance, bearing in mind i need it as soon as possible.





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I sat on my N95 in the car and cracked the screen.


Go on Ebay and you can buy a replacement screen for about £20 - £25 you need a tiny screwdriver (T5) which comes with some kits or I can send you mine (if I can find it).


Dead easy to fix, just unscrew cover, unplug the screen connection and replace.

Edited by Dr W
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just got back to my room after having a few social ones with some mates, to find that ive completely screwed my phone over. there is a huge crack in the bottom corner, spreading up across the whole screen.

i dont have insurance with o2, but dad has home insurance, which covers everything in the house im guessing.

how do i go about getting a replacment, through the insurance, bearing in mind i need it as soon as possible.






Flash its a nice day and Im feeling good...... I have an Ericson phone in front of me that I packaged up for a member a few months ago in a similar situation, to cut a long story short he p*ssd me about and didnt send payment, you can have it FOC pm me your addy and its in the post sameday.... howsat??


:drinks: D2D

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just got back to my room after having a few social ones with some mates, to find that ive completely screwed my phone over. there is a huge crack in the bottom corner, spreading up across the whole screen.

i dont have insurance with o2, but dad has home insurance, which covers everything in the house im guessing.

how do i go about getting a replacment, through the insurance, bearing in mind i need it as soon as possible.






Flash its a nice day and Im feeling good...... I have an Ericson phone in front of me that I packaged up for a member a few months ago in a similar situation, to cut a long story short he p*ssd me about and didnt send payment, you can have it FOC pm me your addy and its in the post sameday.... howsat??


:lol: D2D


Flash let me have your addy and I,ll get it off to you tomorrow.


:yes: D2D

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