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Setting a budget


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Need to call on your collective experience with your first shotgun purchase and subsequent upgrades/downgrades/contentment.


I'm soon to be entering the market for an O/U sporter. This will be my first purchase after having only ever used my father's Beretta. The question is did you find that you naturally upgraded your shotgun to something more expensive at a later date and wished you opted for a more expensive gun from the start?


This question is based on the assumption that more cost equates to a better gun, however I appreciate that the 'right' gun in terms of fit and one's technique is probably more of a priority than just opting for an expensive shottie.


So, a budget of £1000-£1500 with a future upgrade and need to resell, or £3000-£4000 now?



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The gun I have now wasn't available when I started shooting so buying it from the start wasn't an option. Although having said that if I could have done I would have.


There are several things to consider and if you are looking to spend 3-4000 then I would do as much homework as I could and try every type of gun that I could. You will lose more percenatge wise if you spend 3-4000 now and then want to change.


That said there are so mnay guns in the 1-1.5K bracket that would last you a lifetime anyway and the extra cash will only go on fancy engraving and a nice piece of wood.


I would try Beretta's and Browning of every varinat you can lay your hands on and definetly an Blaser F3 (which is what I use). Once you have decided on gun and barrel length you can then go shopping for the one you like the look of.

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Well theres a question.


Personally I would say pick something you like if you can afford it.


Having said that you must take into account what you will be using it for,


ie clays or game or both. I have the most gorgeous Miroku grade v 3800


when i go clays with it, people always comment what beautifull wood and engraving.


Here was my dilema, I love game shooting and when i first took her with me i spent most of my day worried about scratching her.


So i bought a Miroku mk10 game gun, just for my game shooting.


With alot of guns like Miroku Browning and beretta and many others, a grade 1 and a top grade has exactly the same guts and barrels


all you are paying for is the look ie the nice rolling smoke wood and the lovely engraving.


If I was you i would be purchasing a Miroku Browning Beretta or if you like the status a Blaser


These have all been about for years, soley because of their fantastic qaulity. Blaser being quite new.


As you correctly stated the gun fit is all important, I know people who can really shoot, there guns vary from £3000 Berettas and £150 Baikal


They dont miss hardly anything.


So i guess im saying cheaper more expensive its all gravy, its a personal choice (easy one if you are a poser) and just as easy if your not fussy.


Hope this helps, good luck with whatever you buy,


Most of all ENJOY



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Good thinking so far.


I would try before you buy so aim to go to a clay ground with shop, then get yourself on www.guntrader.co.uk or MALMO GUNS - 01524 793007


For your budget and purpose you could get your hands on a Beretta 682 Gold e.


I started with the Gold E then moved to the Beretta DT10 and stopped there.


Other may have differnt views but this comes form personal experience.


Hope it helps

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first what are you going to use it for, myself personally i would go for a cheap gun to start with that fits you and see how you get on, iate to see spend 3/4 grand on one and its not your cup of tea, you would not get your money back, good luck any way



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Thank's for your responses. Bango, I don't know how you did it but you 'knocked the nail on the head' as my initial thoughts were to go for either a 682 or DT10 mainly because Beretta is all I've known.

What I will take on board is the expanded try before you buy idea. This will be fun!

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Having recently got my shotgun I was in the same position.


I visited many shops with the idea of having an open cheque book.


After trying loads and loads (both in the shops and on the grounds) I ended up with a 20 odd year old Beretta S58 with an extended stock because it just felt so right and fitted we the best.


What's even better is it only cost me £500 quid and I am not too scared about getting the odd ding on it either.

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Thank's for your responses. Bango, I don't know how you did it but you 'knocked the nail on the head' as my initial thoughts were to go for either a 682 or DT10 mainly because Beretta is all I've known.

What I will take on board is the expanded try before you buy idea. This will be fun!



Good luck there has been some sound advice for you.


But i'm sure once you get the Gold E in your hands your hands will be in your pocket. :good:


Keep us posted

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