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young dogs first shoot tomorrow


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i was doing the same thing last year...


my tip wood be, depending on how much you trust your dog,


treat them as you mean to go on, expect them to be a pro straight away... keep them on the lead while walking the line, then when the drive is over let them off the lead and go have a good sniff around...

you might have a great suprise... your dog coming back with there first bird....!


good luck

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Well had my dog out on her first shoot today all went well didn’t loose the head once,


Everyone was remarking on what a fine big muscular dog I had and were surprised when I told them that it was a bitch! ……. so I was well chuffed with that.


I went with the intention of keeping her on the lead for the day, which I did for the most part. Done the first drive and on the way back to the beaters wagon I spotted a dead pheasant in the middle of the field, walked the dog up to it on the lead and told her to ‘go back’, which she did and I had a lovely retrieve back to hand, our first retrieve on a fresh kill….. result!


On the 4th drive I had the dog on the lead in some heavy cover, it was tough going. One of the lads came up to me and said ‘leave her off ta ****’ I hesitated for a second and said ‘**** it’ and I left her off, if anything went wrong I’ld hopefully catch her by the time we got to the flushing point.


I kept her close and sent her into cover, she was mad excited but was very obedient much to my surprise and delight, she stayed with me.


Anyways it was tough going for the two of us it ****** rain all day and it was hard work keeping an excited dog on the lead but it all went better than I expected so happy day, hopefully its going to be a great season and my Barbour jacket will dry out by next week.


How did you get on Flash?

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i had a similar day, didnt loose my head once.


spent the first drive near to the guns with him on the lead, getting him used to the gunshots.

he put up the first bird of the day which i was pleased about, a really nice cock bird.

spent the rest of the following drives off the lead, routing around and putting up his fair share of birds.


sadly he didnt have the oppertunity to do any retrieving although i did a bit of practice with a pigeon that was shot.


a duck was wounded and went down in the pond, charlie took a running jump in to retrieve it(as he always does with any body of water lol), sadly just as he reached it, it dived. was caught about 10 mins later by another springador, the funny thing was that the duck dived again, but was caught underwater, i was quite impressed.


looking forward to the next shoot day, and in the mean time me and my cousin will both be working with out younguns, his being a young weimeraner dog.

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