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Question about british army extreme weather liners

Ozzy Fudd

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im heading to latvia in january to meet the girlfriends family, now her brother wants to take me hunting. thing is -40 temperatures over there are the norm, so i been stocking up on cold weather gear; didnt want to go over board so i reckoned jacket and trouser liners for my combats would do the job without having to buy a load of new kit.


has anyone here used them in these sort of temperatures, and if so did they work ok??


cheers :good:

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in answer to your queation no, Ive worn them in west germany near keel (or haowever its spelt) on excercise in december and you will still be cold unless moving around, dont get me wrong but in our cold weather they are great but we had -25 below in the nights there and we froze, if you do take them make sure you have a norgy and a few thermal underware and t shirts on and if your on the move you should be ok, but dont sit around to long as you will then notice there limitations.


get yourselve a falklands parker they come with the liner and have a great big snorkle hood to keep the cold out.

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I have been out in the field in canada at -25 with a wind chill factor of 35 . We were hunting from a log cabin and were not allowed to go any further than a mile from the camp and had to be at least two hunters together . The guide said that he would not be responcible for our safty if we wandererd off . I had on some of the best canadian out door clothes and was freezing most of the time . Be careful hyperthermia and frost bite can creep up on you very easily . Harnser .

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You cannot muck about with budget clothing in -40 degrees. I spent some time down in Antarctica and the Falklands when I was in the Andrew. You need to keep your trunk warm, wearing salopettes not trousers. The cold weather liners (the Chinese fighting jacket and trousers) are lame at the best of time. Anything filled with down is useless in the wet, and annoyingly bulky, but it can't be beaten for insulation value. I use Buffalo salopettes and smock (or parka) over Berghaus long-johns myself for shooting in extreme, dry cold, and for mountaineering. http://www.buffalosystems.co.uk/dpthumbs.htm


Le Chameau's 'Dangerous Brian' hat is also pretty neat in the cold: http://www.le-chameau-clothing.co.uk/wa/1/...ussian-Hat.html

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You cannot muck about with budget clothing in -40 degrees. I spent some time down in Antarctica and the Falklands when I was in the Andrew. You need to keep your trunk warm, wearing salopettes not trousers. The cold weather liners (the Chinese fighting jacket and trousers) are lame at the best of time. Anything filled with down is useless in the wet, and annoyingly bulky, but it can't be beaten for insulation value. I use Buffalo salopettes and smock (or parka) over Berghaus long-johns myself for shooting in extreme, dry cold, and for mountaineering. http://www.buffalosystems.co.uk/dpthumbs.htm


Le Chameau's 'Dangerous Brian' hat is also pretty neat in the cold: http://www.le-chameau-clothing.co.uk/wa/1/...ussian-Hat.html


spot on :good:

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Some of the lads will prob back me up on this - The British Army is not renound for buying or providing its Soldiers with QUALITY kit, In Kosovo for example it was -30 and everything under my Smock and windproof trousers was bought and all from civi companies such as Jack Wolfskin, North Face, Paramo, Mountain Hardware - Dont skimp on your kit in those temps or youll be coming back missing a few digits or worse

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thanks for the tips guys.


im only seein her 6 months or so now, if this turns into a regular thing i do intend to stock up on the proper kit from some of the scandnavian companies (as well as buying a large bore centrefire rifle to take with me - her brother uses an sks which i cant wait to try!!).


i know the army kit isnt 100% but my thinking was itll only be for 5 or 6 hours tops; ill have a thermal t shirt, long sleeve t shirt, norwegian, jacket liner and a 95 jacket on top, thick double layer trousers, thermal long johns plus the trouser liners, then all the usual insulated hats, scarf's and gloves, etc.


ill be there for a couple of days before going hunting so i can test the kit out first. if it doesnt work i can either borrow some stuff or buy it when im there, but was hoping it might do the first time im out :good:

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