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Easyhit, UniDot or TruGlo?


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Cheers Gordon R; Ill have a google and see who sells them; anyone know of a good deal on them id be obliged if you got in touch.




The cheapest place for the Ruby is Ebay.. There is a seller who does then for £20 inc postage..


There is a bit of a dilema with the Ruby.. Te EasyHit isn't worth the money (you will know when you see it in the flesh).. its a 10p item.. BUT.. you are paying for their development and their idea.. So its not unreasonable to pay £30 (although I still tihnk its a bit steep).. However, the Ruby is a blatent copy.. Its now a 10p item, which cost them almost nothing to develop and/or manufactur, so £20 (in my mind) is a blatent rip-off.


If they are going to rip off another companies product, then they really shouldn't charge top dollar for it... So, whilst you are saving £10 on this I do feel that the Ruby people have overstepped the mark.



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The second time I ever picked up a shotgun (West Midlands Game Fair) Easyhit lent me one of their gadgets to try, and I did find it easier to shoot with both eyes open. The trick is not to look at the bright dot, but keep it in your peripheral vision. Of course eyes should always be on the clay, not the gun. It just lets you know where the actual end of the gun is. My vision seems to vary between right eye dominance and both eyes dominant.


If I start the swing with both eyes open and then close my left eye my brain seems to take a second or two to catch up and recalculate the picture so that method doesn't really work for me.


For £30 I'll probably give it a go, even though one of my best lessons was on a gun with no pip on the end. The Ruby sounds similar but if what has been said on this thread is true, I have no wish to support unethical business practice.



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The second time I ever picked up a shotgun (West Midlands Game Fair) Easyhit lent me one of their gadgets to try, and I did find it easier to shoot with both eyes open. The trick is not to look at the bright dot, but keep it in your peripheral vision. Of course eyes should always be on the clay, not the gun. It just lets you know where the actual end of the gun is. My vision seems to vary between right eye dominance and both eyes dominant.


If I start the swing with both eyes open and then close my left eye my brain seems to take a second or two to catch up and recalculate the picture so that method doesn't really work for me.


For £30 I'll probably give it a go, even though one of my best lessons was on a gun with no pip on the end. The Ruby sounds similar but if what has been said on this thread is true, I have no wish to support unethical business practice.





Have just ordered a Ruby; sorry but unethical business practice didnt cross my mind; was simply looking for the best deal!!. Im sure Easy Hit & Ruby will sort it out in court and any affected party will be compensated! Looking forward to giving it a go; ive been hacked off with my cross eye dominance so hope this helps!

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Have just ordered a Ruby; sorry but unethical business practice didnt cross my mind; was simply looking for the best deal!!. Im sure Easy Hit & Ruby will sort it out in court and any affected party will be compensated! Looking forward to giving it a go; ive been hacked off with my cross eye dominance so hope this helps!


Did you get it from Ebay in the end? Even though I spouted all the ethical stuff, I still think that its a better deal than the EasyHit.. I just think that since they ripped off the 'EasyHit', they should do it for a more realistic price.. Perhaps £10 or £15..


Another Forum member helped me out with an Easyhit which is great, but its the short version and not too bright.. I am still tempted to buy the long 'Ruby' and then shift my short one, onto my Mossberg (Assuming I can find a way to mount it on a round barrel that has no rib)...



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Did you get it from Ebay in the end? Even though I spouted all the ethical stuff, I still think that its a better deal than the EasyHit.. I just think that since they ripped off the 'EasyHit', they should do it for a more realistic price.. Perhaps £10 or £15..


Another Forum member helped me out with an Easyhit which is great, but its the short version and not too bright.. I am still tempted to buy the long 'Ruby' and then shift my short one, onto my Mossberg (Assuming I can find a way to mount it on a round barrel that has no rib)...






Ordered off ebay; agree that for a rip off (if thats what it is-EasyHit may have ballsed up with the patenting?) then 20 quids still too much but hey ho better than £30!! Glad its worked for you- hope I have as much success!!



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Thanks Gorden... I think I might got the same way.


The one I have is great, but its not bright enough (As very little of the optical fibre is exposed)... I am temped to get the long one for my 'main' gun and then move the short one to my spare.. Atleast this will give me a little 'project' to build something which will allow me fit it to a barrel that has no rib...


Let me know how you get on with yours.. Before I got my gun, I only shot with an Easy Hit and found it really easy (as I have severe X-eye dominance).. When I got my gun I didn't have an Easy hit and found it hard, if not impossible.. You should find your 'Ruby' very helpful and you will wonder how you ever managed without it...


All the best



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