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Rabbit Snare Construction

pigeon controller

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After having some success with a dozen picture wire snares I made myself I decided to buy 500grams of brass wire and 100 brass eyelets from Euroguns Doncaster. The only trouble is that the wire is single stranded. Has any body got a link to show me how to twist up to make it multistrand. I made my first snares by cutting a 24inch length and fitting a 50pound fishing swivel as the eye and this has worked well.


I would welcome any constructive advise.


Pigeon Controller

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cut 3 strands of DOUBLE the lenght you want the final snare wire to be, then twist the eyelet in the middle. Then put a picture hook in an elctric drill, place the snare eyelett in the hook. Place the drill onthe floor facing up, clamp the loose wire ends with some pliers and slowly turn the drill on unitl the ire twists tight enough


Iv caught a good haul of rabbits in snares iv made this way

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The way I was taught ,was to get a board. Put two nails in(whatever distance you require) from the back all the way through so they stick out a couple of inches .Tie your wire to one of them and wind your spool of wire onto the nails.

You can then lift 4/6/8 strands up and get on with making your snare ,just means they are all the same size .. We always had a decent lead weight with a cuphook screwed into it for twisting.

Same kind of thing for tealers as well. A few nails in another board ,so you could bend your thicker wire around them and end up with them all being the same size.Remember to make a loop in the wire at the back for your twine to the peg.


My old headkeeper also showed me how to make swivels for fox snare out of two three inch nails,but I would need to show you a picture of that ! lolol trying to explain it would be difficult ,but a picture is easy to understand .

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