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Help Needed, Anyone Know How To........


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Evening gents, I'm wondering if anyone in the Edinburgh or Scottish Borders

area has the ability to thread a barrel for me to a half inch U.N.F.

I picked up the rifle today from my R.F.D. and at the same time enquired

about getting the barrel threaded and was told that it's certainly doable

only I wouldn't get the rifle back till after the new year!

I know there's a lot of guys on here thread and re-crown their own barrels

due to having the right knowledge, tools and engineering experience.

Unfortunately I have none of the before mentioned qualities but if anyone

out there lives in the Edinburgh or Scottish Borders areas and has the

experience needed and fancies some cash in hand work P.M. me with details.

Edited by SAVAGE HMR
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I would be very careful if i were you about someone doing a diy job on it, recrowning a barrel needs doing very precisly or you could end up with a barrel that does not shoot well at all.

Have some patience and get it done profesionally by a qualified person.

I know it will take some time to get it done but do it once and do it correctly.

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